Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Concepts Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Concepts - Research Paper Example Non- verbal communication is beneficial in international business settings. It makes communication brief and effective. Finally, it exemplifies the level of professionalism thereby increasing the level of confidence. On the downside it cannot be used as a public instrument for communication, prevents detailed conversation and not as of much influence as verbal communication. Persuasive communication is more personal, more detailed and effective in sharing information (Fontane et al., 2013). Conversely, it is time consuming, involves emotion which is inappropriate for business and requires a high level of negotiation skills. Collaboration improves the receipt of feedback in an organization and ensures participatory decision making. In opposition, collaborative communication delays the decision making in the organization and is ineffective where a huge number of employees are involved. Non- verbal communication is used in international communication and in business talks with potential clients to increase business opportunities by showing confidence and professionalism (Guffey, 2012). Persuasion communication is used in convincing customers and potential clients to undertake a certain business deal. In summary, collaboration is used in day to day operation of the business in decision making. Fontaine, M., Parise, S., & Miller, D. (2013, June 13). Collaborative environments: A dynamic tool for transforming business processes. Retrieved from
Monday, October 28, 2019
The supernatural aspects of Macbeth Essay Example for Free
The supernatural aspects of Macbeth Essay In my essay I am going to be writing about the Supernatural aspects of Macbeth. I will be referring closely to Act 1 Scene 3, Act 1 Scene 5 and Act 4 Scene 1. In Shakespeares day people were obsessed with witchcraft. Shakespeare added supernatural elements to the play to grab the audiences attention right from the beginning. This includes opening (Act 1 Scene 1) Macbeth with three witches, with immediately establishes the influence of the supernatural. They are discussing where they will meet Macbeth to tell him his future. In Act 1 Scene 3, the three witches are talking about the death of a sea captain, whilst waiting for Macbeth. Macbeth arrives with Banquo, and each of the three witches has something different to tell Macbeth. The first witch says All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Glamis! , the second witch says All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor! , and the third witch says All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be King hereafter! Macbeth is very confused and begins to question what the witches had said to him. Then, the three witches disappear. This would have caused a gasp in the audience in Shakespeares day because of the Supernatural phenomena. This basically means that the witches can tell the future, and this scares the audience. In Act 1 Scene 5, Lady Macbeth receives a letter from Macbeth, telling her of the witches predictions. She is a very ambitious woman and will make sure that the prediction will be fulfilled. When she hears that King Duncan is on the way to the castle, she calls upon the evil spirits to help her carry out the murder of King Duncan. She says; Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty! Make thick my blood; stop up the access and passage to remorse, when she says unsex me here, she is asking the spirits to take away her femininity because she wants to have the strength of a man. She also says Stop up the access and passage to remorse which means she is asking the spirits to take away the emotion guilt so that she cannot feel bad about what she has done or have doubts. A Shakespearean audience would find this part of the play very shocking because this was probably the part of The Supernatural that they knew least about. In Act 4, Scene 1 the witches are preparing a cauldron whilst waiting for the arrival of Macbeth. Hecate (The head witch) comes to make sure that all is ready whilst the other witches seal the charm/spell. Macbeth then arrives commanding the witches to tell him what he wants to know. If you asked people in the modern day what a common thing for a witch to say is, they would most probably say Double, double toil and trouble. Shakespeare added this to the play because he knew that it would leave an effect on the audience. The witches show Macbeth four apparitions. The first apparition is a Helmeted Head, which warns Macbeth to be cautious of Macduff. The Second apparition is a child covered in blood, which tells Macbeth that no man born from woman can harm him. The third apparition is a child crowned with a tree in his hand; this tells Macbeth that he is safe until Birnham Wood moves to Dunsinane. The fourth and last apparition, is a show of eight kings, the last with a glass in his hand; Banquo following. This shows Macbeth that Banquos descendants will be crowned king. This means that the witches were right because it comes true at the end of the play. On a modern stage, Macbeth would be shown with a lot of electrical sound effects, lighting, smoke machine ECT. But in the Shakespearean day, there wasnt anything like that so people would have to create their own sound effects, and have to wait until a certain time of day to set the scene. In conclusion, there are many supernatural aspects to Macbeth. This leaves the audience is left confused whether the Supernatural is real or not and have to make up their own minds. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Miscellaneous section.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Gunsmoke and the Old-West Lawman :: Television Media TV Essays
Gunsmoke and the Old-West Lawman The classic radio show "Gunsmoke," was the epitome of old west drama. Set in the frontier town of Dodge City during the 1870's and 80's, Gunsmoke followed U.S. Marshall Matt Dillon through his many adventures. Matt Dillon was the embodiment of the stereotypical lawman of the old west. He is set apart as an old west hero by his independence, self-reliance, and sense of justice. Matt Dillon works as an independent law-man. In our modern times we are used to policemen who work interdependently of a greater police force. In the old west however, the independent enforcer prevailed. As you listen to the episodes of Gunsmoke, you realize how much Dillon typifies the persona of a lone hero. With the only assistance coming from his deputy Chester, Dillon acts as the lone voice of law and reason. This independent attitude makes Dillon be self-reliant. When it comes to dealing with outlaws, he relies on his own intuition and expertise to solve the situation. In one instance, Dillon is trying to find an outlaw, but when he finds him he realizes that he has actually "gone straight." He finds this by talking to him and seeing his new character. Just like in this situation, being an independent law-man requires him to rely on his senses and abilities to take care of any situation that might arise. What really sets Dillon apart as a great old-west hero is his keen sense of justice. Even when his own life is on the line, Dillon never wavers from his responsibilities of justice. One day somebody comes into town looking to kill for the person who killed his father. It turns out that it was Dillon who killed him. Instead of trying to protect himself however, he does everything he can to simply talk to him and make him see the reason that his father died. Moreover, he correctly identifies the real criminal. Through his own investigative judgment, he deals with a situation that could otherwise prove to be dreadful and appalling. The typical lawman is personified in the character of Matt Dillon. The old-west lawman might not have necessarily been as respectable as Dillon, but the old-west stories have been mythologized to create this typical character. In essence, Dillon stands for the virtuous elements of the old-west, and carries them out in his daily life.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Research on Behaviorist versus Cognitive Theories of Learning
What is larning? Are at that place different types of larning? What affects a pupils larning? Why do some learn otherwise than others? These are merely a few of the inquiries that pedagogues, parents, and pupils themselves have posed for centuries. It is without a uncertainty a really complicated subject. The writer of this paper attempts to relieve some of these inquiries by turn toing the differences between behavioural and societal acquisition theory along with the necessity of utilizing cognitive schemes to help in the acquisition procedure.Name of TheoristName of TheoryMain ConceptsResearch ConductedIvan Pavlov Authoritative conditioning Impersonal stimulations + innate stimulations = a erudite conditioned response ( Slavin, 2009 ) How it may look in a schoolroom: pupils should be given many chances to get the hang a undertaking before traveling on to another undertaking. For illustration, if they are larning to multiply individual digit math jobs, a pupil must get the hang this before traveling on to generation of two-digit jobs. Research was conducted in 3 phases Phase one: An innate stimulation ( US ) ( nutrient ) solicited an innate response ( UR ) from the Canis familiaris ( salivation ) ( Slavin, 2009 ) . This phase farther showed that a impersonal stimulation ( NS ) ( bell ) would arouse no response from the Canis familiaris. ( Slavin, 2009 ) Phase 2: A learned stimulation ( CS ) ( bell ) was paired with the Canis familiaris nutrient ( US ) which caused the Canis familiariss to salivate ( UR ) ( Slavin, 2009 ) . Phase 3: The Canis familiaris was trained to salivate ( CR, conditioned response ) at the sound of a bell tintinnabulation ( CS ) ( Slavin, 2009 ) . E. L. Thorndike Law of Effectss Favorable effects to behavior elicit request of this behaviour ( Slavin, 2005 ) Unfavorable effects similarly will ensue in the behaviour less likely being repeated ( Slavin, 2005 ) How it may look in a schoolroom: instructors should utilize real-life experiences to learn and link constructs for pupils. For illustration, life accomplishments pupils will larn the importance of money buy really take parting in buying things from peddling machines and shops. This can besides use to science constructs. Students can break connect with it through experiential activities ( Slavin, 2005 ) . Cats were placed in mystifier boxes ; on accident the cats learned how to get away ( Slavin, 2005 ) . After repeatedly acquiring out they learned that if they went through the mystifier boxes, they gained freedom ( Slavin, 2005 ) . B. F. Skinner Operant Conditioning Support of behavior = frequent repeat of this behaviour ( Slavin, 2009 ) Unrewarded ( punished ) behaviour = lessening in repeat of the behaviour ( Slavin, 2009 ) . How it may look in a schoolroom: pupils that are on clip to category receive category vaulting horses ; belated pupils do non. I have found that those pupils that receive the category bucks that they can pass on things like free clip, prep buyouts, and public toilet base on ballss, strive to gain more vaulting horses. Skinner boxes used to develop animate beings. The boxes consisted of a saloon that the animate beings had to press to distribute nutrient ( Slavin, 2009 ) . What are the differences between the behavioural acquisition theory and that of the societal acquisition theory? Which theory offers the best penetration into how underdeveloped kids larn? To find replies to these inquiries, the factors of behavioural larning theories must be weighed against those of societal larning theories. Behavior acquisition theories are centered on the thought that larning takes topographic point because of legion chances to see a peculiar event. This event is believed to for good alter the said behaviour. Behavioral theories fall under one of two classs: classical or answering conditioning and operant conditioning. The classical/respondent conditioning theory, as demonstrated and made celebrated by Pavlov ‘s experiment, believes the behaviours that we exhibit are one ‘s that are learned by tie ining one thing to another ( Cherry, 2005b ) . This thought of automatic conditioning was happened upon by Pavlov as he studied Canis familiaris ‘s digestion ( Cherry, 2005b ) . . Within his survey of how much a Canis familiaris salivated at the sight of assorted things, nutrient and non-food points, Pavlov and his helper noted the sum of spit that was produced ( Cherry, 2005b ) . . In making so they found that Canis familiariss automatically or reflexively responded to the point placed in forepart of them, nutrient or non-food, after being presented with them intermediately for some clip ( Cherry, 2005b ) . This response he believed was based on conditioning or automaticity, which made it strictly physiological ( Cherry, 2005b ) . . His thought of conditioning was extended to human cond itioning by James B. Watson ( Cherry, 2005b ) . . Watson and his associate Rosalie Rayner wanted to prove the theory of classical conditioning on worlds in respects to phobias, to see if they would arouse similar consequences. Watson ‘s experiment was based on a small male child name Albert ( Beck, 2001 ) . When Watson and Rayner, foremost met Albert he was non afraid of a white rat, after a short clip with them he was afraid of mice and other furred points ( Beck, 2001 ) . The experiment introduced a loud noise that startled the immature male child as he played with the rat. This sound scared the immature male child so much that he started to shout and later exhibit fright when he saw a rat or anything furred. This proved for them that Pavlov ‘s thought that an innate stimulation would do an innate response and eventually that this innate response paired with a learned stimulation would arouse a learned response, or a automatic action ( Beck, 2001 ) . They believed this made the Pavlovian theory of conditioning plausibl e and accurate for worlds every bit good. The operant conditioning theory of B.F. Skinner focuses on larning based on the behaviour and the effects of the behaviour. Skinner ‘s beliefs were greatly influenced by E. L. Thorndike ‘s thought of Law of Effect. The Law of Effect, besides a conditioning theory, was based on the premiss that if an innate stimulation ‘s response is paired with a pleasant event than the response is stronger and more likely to be repeated. Likewise if the stimulation consequence is paired with a negative event, so the event is weaker and less likely to be repeated. Skinner found this a utile tool in understanding automatic behaviours that occurred and further strengthened his thought that behaviour was strengthened by a reinforcing stimulus or weakened by a punisher ( Cherry, 2005a ) . Reinforcing stimuluss are either positive or negative. Positive reinforcing stimuluss occur after said behaviour and are positive results for the behaviour ; whereas negative reinforcing stimuluss are negative results as the consequence of a behaviour ( Cherry, 2005a ) . Whether negative or positive the behaviour will increase. Punishers whether negative or positive will diminish a behaviour ( Cherry, 2005a ) . Positive punishers employ utilizing an unfavourable event to diminish behaviour ; negative punishers happens when the event is taken off in order to weaken the behaviour that has occurred ( Cherry, 2005a ) . Social larning theories contrary to behavioural theories focuses on larning that takes topographic point due to the observation and mold of behaviours, attitudes, and emotions exhibit by others around them. Albert Bandura, considered one of the governments within this theory, believed that behavioural acquisition could non explicate all the types of acquisition ( Cherry, 2005c ) .He said, â€Å" Learning would be extremely arduous, non to advert risky, if people had to trust entirely on the effects of their ain actions to inform them what to make ( Cherry, 2005c ) . †. He farther argued that larning had to hold some societal component to it to be successful. He stated that, â€Å" Fortunately, most human behaviour is learned observationally through mold: from detecting others one forms an thought of how new behaviours are performed, and subsequently occasions this coded information serves as a usher for action ( Cherry, 2005c ) . †The ideals of Bandura and other socie tal theoreticians are broken down into three basic constructs that explain the assorted types of behaviour: experimental acquisition, patterning procedure, and intrinsic support ( Cherry, 2005c ) . Observational acquisition provinces that larning takes topographic point through observation ( Cherry, 2005c ) .The writer ‘s three-year-old nephew learns much of his idiosyncrasy and behaviours by watching his household around the house and others at church. He has learned to work on a computing machine by watching her bash her work hebdomadally, to the point of copying precisely how she holds her custodies when typing and the tapping of her fingers at her desk when she is in deep concentration. This thought of experimental acquisition is so strong harmonizing to theoreticians that it can be achieved through unrecorded observation, verbally through direction, or symbolic ( displayed through another media ) means. Intrinsic Reinforcement goes against the ideal that behaviour is reinforced by extrinsic support merely ( Cherry, 2005c ) .Social theoreticians believed that a great trade of behaviour and acquisition will be based on intrinsic factors, which give the scholar a sense of pride and achievement. Bandura believes this is one of the most of import factors that separates the societal acquisition theory from behavioural theories and makes it more of a cognitive societal attack ( Cherry, 2005c ) . The Modeling Process hinges on the individual that is making the mold of a said behaviour and the perceiver and must follow certain stairss. First, in order for a individual to larn they must pay attending to the theoretical account otherwise there will be negative branchings. Therefore the mold must be memorable and keep the attending of the perceiver. Following, the perceiver must hold the ability to retain the information that is observed. Third, one must be able to draw the information from their memory in order to pattern the accomplishment further. Last, the scholar must be motivated plenty to utilize the behaviour they saw modeled ( Cherry, 2005c ) .This measure theoretical accounts show some similarities to behavior thoeries in that the usage of reinforcing stimuluss and punishers are cruicial to actuating the scholar. For illustration, if a pupils observes another pupil having category vaulting horses for engagement they are more likely to take part every bit good ( Cherry, 2005c ) . Social theories and behavioural theories are similar yet different. Both of the theories believe that larning and behaviour are connected yet each feel otherwise about whether the acquisition that each elicit is lasting. Social theories disagree that all larning leads to a alteration in behaviour, in fact they believe that new things can be learned without organizing new behaviours ( Cherry, 2005c ) .BeforeDuringAfterPicture walks – Students are guided by their instructors through a digest of images that illustrate the narrative line. This allows them to link to the text as they read. Predicting Students predict what they believe will go on in the narrative and read to prove the factuality of the anticipation ( Harvey & A ; Goudvis, 2000 ) . Synthesize Students take the new information that they have learned and unite it with their anterior cognition to come up with a new thought or new believing about the topic ( Harvey & A ; Goudvis, 2000 ) . KWL charts It allows they information to be organized earlier, during, and after reading Making Inferences Students are able to utilize their anterior cognition to believe outside the box and draw decisions about the text for deeper significance ( Harvey & A ; Goudvis, 2000 ) . Making Connections Students draw upon their ain scheme to understand the text they are reading ( Harvey & A ; Goudvis, 2000 ) . Text-to-self allows the reader to link to their ain lives and experiences to pull significance Text-to-text allows the reader to name upon their cognition from other text to demo apprehension of content Text-to-world allows the reader to do a connexion with more planetary and bigger issues within the text and the existent universe Overviewing This scheme allows pupils to plane or scan the text when they are looking for specific information and are unsure if the text contains it ( Harvey, 1998 ) . Imaging Allows pupils to better understand the text or job solve by organizing a image in their heads. Students are able to understand more of the text as they go along with the support of their instructor ( Chamot & A ; O'Malley, 1994 ) . Alternate stoping Students prove that they have comprehended the assorted parts of the narrative by composing an surrogate stoping which fits in with the remainder of the narrative nicely ( Harvey & A ; Goudvis, 2000 ) . Brainstorming This scheme is a relevantly merely one in that it allows pupils to compose down, name out or categorise the things that they know about a peculiar construct or thought. The procedure allows all pupils of all degrees procedure clip to develop these thoughts. Questioning Readers are able to travel through the text and interact with it more as they search for replies to their inquiries ( Harvey & A ; Goudvis, 2000 ) . Allows pupils to supervise their comprehension and concept significance ( Harvey & A ; Goudvis, 2000 ) . Sum uping Learning is a complex procedure by that requires much of the scholar. All of the scholars ‘ behaviours, attitudes, cognition and gained information factor into whether true acquisition has taken topographic point. The survey of knowledge purposes to assist us understand how learning takes topographic point and the assorted procedures that we go through to accomplish it. Students may non understand the how and why of knowledge, so it is the instructor ‘s occupation to learn them schemes to do certain that they have good cognitive accomplishments or accomplishments for believing about larning. The chart above has outlined the assorted schemes that pupils can utilize before, during, and after reading to beef up comprehension, but how does this cognitive schemes in general aid pupils larn? In order for schemes to work for pupils they must be cognizant of why they need to believe about the thought that takes topographic point as they learn ( as cited in Purdue, n.d. , ch.7 ) . Simply put, it is the manner that they can take ownership of their ain acquisition and it is what makes them good and great scholars. Garner farther establishes that puting intents for acquisition, work outing jobs, self-acting, monitoring, and self-assessment of their acquisition are all ways in which pupils can demo that they have good cognitive accomplishments ( as cited in Purdue, n.d. , ch.7 ) .. The above schemes are merely some of the ways that Garner says that pupils are able to form, survey, reappraisal, pattern, and eventually master assorted accomplishments ( as cited in Purdue, n.d. , ch.7 ) . Teachers must demo them how to utilize these schemes to their advantage to larn. There are some things that pedagogues can make to assist them pupils develop these cognitive accomplishments, ther efore assisting them go independent minds and scholars. Garner believes that the first thing that they can make is to learn pupils to supervise their thought efficaciously ( as cited in Purdue, n.d. , ch.7 ) . This can be done through demoing them how to analyse the procedure of believing as they work. They teach them to inquiries themselves on ways that they can better upon their thought as they try to carry through their end or whether or non they need help to carry through these ends. Harmonizing to Garner, pupils must cognize when they are larning and when they are non larning ( as cited in Purdue, n.d. ) . Furthermore, Garner says that when they realize that they are non larning they should be able to take another cognitive scheme to assist them accomplish their end ( as cited in Purdue, n.d. , ch.7 ) . Second, Garner believes pupils need to be taught to utilize more sophisticated schemes to demo that they are believing ( as cited in Purdue, n.d. , ch.7 ) . Teachers should non accept the merely reciting of the text, they should necessitate that pupil synthesise the information and are able to offer legitimate sum-ups of the stuff ( Purdue, n.d. ) . Third, instructors must learn pupils the appropriate schemes to utilize with the assorted texts and content ( Purdue, n.d. ) . This is pertinent since it sets the phase for pupil acquisition. Think of it like constructing a house, if there is no foundation the house will non stand ; with a solid foundation the house could fire done, but the base from which to get down over is still at that place. Students might necessitate to reassess the schemes that they choose, but they can get down over if they have the foundational cognition of the schemes ( Purdue, n.d. ) . Fourthly, pupils must be taught to put personal ends for their acquisition. When pupils set their ain ends they are more likely to transport through with the schemes to see the success with them. Borkowski, Carr, and Pressley say â€Å" pupils with low self-prides who attribute success and failure to something other than attempt are improbable to originate or prevail in the usage of cognitive schemes †( cited in Purdue, n.d. , ch.7 ) . If they do so, they fall into non utilizing their metacognitive accomplishments to grok the constructs ( Purdue, n.d. ) . Last, when instructors model for pupils how to utilize cognitive schemes they are assisting them develop higher order believing accomplishments. When they are taught to prosecute in higher order thought, they are taught how to place how they learn, think about textual jobs as they learn about them, figure out how to work out them, and eventually synthesise all the information at the terminal of the text.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Race and ethnicity in the United States Census Essay
The media is an industry where the competition is intense and it has been used by the government individuals, organizations, institutions, society, and family etc. for various purposes. However, due to the increasing competition in the industry, many at times the functions and duties which the media owes to the society are significantly overlooked. There are various functions of the media some will be discussed later on in this paper. The aim of the media has to a fearfully large extent shifted from fulfilling its roles to the society, rather their focus is often on how much entertainment they can offer to their audience and how much money they can make and how quickly they can make it. Entertainment and money making is definitely key in the existence, survival and growth of this industry, nevertheless, this should not be achieved by inappropriately portraying a group’s identity in any form. DEFINITION OF KEY TERMS Construction – To make or create, by putting together ideas, components or arguments. Group Identity – This refers to a person’s sense of belonging to a group. Media- Are communication channels through which news, entertainment, education, data or promotional messages are disseminated. Media includes every broadcasting and narrow casting medium such as newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, billboards, direct mail, telephone, fax and internet (business dictionary, 2015). THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK SOCIAL IDENTITY THEORY BY TAJFEL & TURNER (1979) This theory was propounded in order to understand the psychological reasons and basis for inter- group discrimination. The components of this theory goes thus: Categorization- This is the process of putting ourselves and others into categories, our self-image is associated with the categories we belong to. Identification – This is the process by which we associate ourselves with certain groups of people. Nevertheless there are some groups we don’t want to be identified with (out groups) and there are some we would want to be identified with (in groups). Comparison- This is the process through which we compare our groups with other groups, thereby creating a positive bias towards the groups in which we are members of. This aspect of this work will focus on two salient functions of the media amidst the various ones there are. Social heritage function- The onus lies on the media to transmit positive racial and ethnic values about every existing race and ethnic group. The act of highlighting and spotlighting the various negativities of races and ethnic groups should be avoided. Surveillance function- This is the duty the media owes to the society in circulating news and information when necessary, the media is responsible for providing information about events. THE CONSTRUCTION OF GROUP IDENTITY BY HOLLYWOOD (A STUDY OF THE LATINO RACE) There are five acclaimed races in the world: 1) Mongoloid (Asian and American Indian) 2) Caucasoid (European) 3) Australoid (Australian and oceanic) 4) Negroid (East African black). 5) Capoid (South African black) The Latinos could be said to belong to the Mongoloid race and most of the 315 million people who live in the United States of America are either immigrants or have ancestry to another country. In actual fact, the only truly American people are the Native ones. This country is based on the idea of migration in pursuit of a better social and economic life. According to U. S. Census Bureau (2012), there are roughly 52 million Hispanics/Latinos living in the United States, representing approximately 16. 7% of the total population of United States of America, and making them the nation’s largest ethnic minority. Among Hispanic subgroups, Mexicans rated as the largest at 63%, followed by Puerto Ricans (9. 2%), Cubans (3. 5%), Salvadorans (3. 3%), Dominicans (2. 8%), and the remaining 18. 2% were Colombians, Guatemalans, Portuguese, Honduras, Ecuadorians, Peruvians, Brazilian. The main reason for their migration has been either that they are politically endangered or have financial problems. For instance the Cubans who ended up in America wanted to escape from the political conditions in their country. Escaping from the communist government practiced in Cuba, they were considered as ‘political refugees’ in America for three and a half decades until 1995. As a result of America’s opposition to the Cuban government, they were treated in America better than almost any other ethnic group. This has also been partly because of their high level of education and professionalism before migration (Martins, 2006 as seen in Mousavi & Sadeghi, 2013). Latinos, Mexicans in particular, mostly live in the Southwest; almost half in California and Texas. Puerto Ricans are mostly in the East and Cubans are in Florida. According to the U. S. Census Bureau, legal Hispanic household income is only 75 percent of White American income. There is also a high rate of poverty and unemployment among them, and their socio economic status is at a low level. The cause for this situation is partially their jobs being the lowest paid ones, their low education level, and employment discrimination (Camarillo and Bonilla, 2001). They are present in the news, advertisements, election campaigns, political debates, television and films. The common major feature that is present in all of these portrayals is the problems related to them that should be solved and not to be glorified, exaggerated or exploited by Hollywood. Before now African Americans were more likely to be portrayed as domestic workers in Hollywood. African Americans played major roles in television sitcoms such as â€Å"Beulah†in the 1950’s and â€Å"Gone with the wind†in 1939. In recent times Latinos have increasingly replaced African Americans as Hollywood domestics. Hollywood has presented an incorrect reality of the Latino people to the American people and to the world at large, it has exaggerated a poor image of this particular race. Although the Latinos who live in America get more roles to play in Hollywood, most of these roles are mentioned in the next paragraph. The Latino female is often presented as a temptress, vamp, lustful, promiscuous, unfaithful, manipulative, of loose morals or submissive at times in relation to a white male fantasy, low class, serving the whites. A list of Ten Latino Female artists who have played the role of a maid in Hollywood Movies/series. Jennifer Lopez – Maid in Manhattan, 2002 Aida Linares- Clueless, 1995 Lupe Ontiveros- As good as it gets, 1997 (She has played an estimate of 150 maid roles on television). Consuela-Family Guy, 2005-till present Nadine Valesquez-My name is Earl, 2005-2009 Paz Vega- Spanglish, 2004 Kate Del Castillo- La misma Luna, 2007 Adriana Barraza- Babel, 2006 Catalina Saavedra, The maid, 2009 Roselyn Sanchez, Devious Maids, 2013- till present Pania Ramirez – Devious Maids, 2013 till present THE MEDIA, DIVERSITY AND SOCIAL CHANGE INITIATIVE (MDSCI)’S SIX YEAR STUDY REVEALS SOME STATISTICS. Among the racial and ethnic groups studied in the Media, Diversity, and Social Change Initiative’s report, released August 2014, Latinos made up only 4. 9% of movie characters across 100 of 2013’s top-grossing films. According to the U. S. Census Bureau’s estimates, there are roughly 52 million Latinos in the U. S. as of July 1, 2011, or just over 16% of the current U. S. population. That number is on track to reach 132. 8 million  or about 30% of the U. S. population  by July 1, 2050. LATINOS THAT ARE DEPICTED IN TOP-GROSSING MOVIES ARE MOSTLY NAKED. While the study does note that â€Å"Hispanic females (37. 3%) were more likely to be featured in popular films than were white females (29. 6%) or Asian females (32%),†Latinas are also more likely than females among any of the other groups studied (37. 5%, to be precise) to be shown partially dressed or nude on the big screen. LATINOS ARE ALSO HIGHLY LIKELY TO BE SEXUALIZED. The sexualization of Latinos does not stop with women. Latino men were the most likely among the studied groups (16. 5%) to be depicted wearing â€Å"tight, alluring or revealing clothing. †DANGERS OF THE NEGATIVE PORTRAYAL OF RACE & ETHNICITY BY THE MEDIA ?Since there is a tendency to believe what is represented or depicted by the media; as particular races or ethnic groups are often negatively portrayed, others who are not acquainted with such group of people are bound to believe they are actually the way the media has presented them. ? Another danger of negative portrayals of race/ethnic groups by the media is that the younger ones from such groups may not be able to see themselves better than the way the media has portrayed them. For example if a race is continually depicted as a maid or as vulgar murderer the younger generation of such groups may not see anything wrong with being that way and could actually end up as same. ? This particular race have existing challenges of employment, poor education; the continuous depictions as such does not help solve these problems, but only worsens them. ?It could be difficult for people who are negatively portrayed to keep relationships with or amongst other races who are depicted as superior to them. THE NOLLYWOOD CONSTRUCT OF ETHNICITY (A STUDY OF THE YORUBA, AND NORTHERN NIGERIANS) The founding fathers of Yoruba films in Nigeria i. e. Herbert Ogunde, Moses Olaiya (Baba Sala) Based their works on the constructive values of the Yoruba ethnic group without leaving their audience entertained. In recent times Nollywood has neglected the transfer of social heritage function in the production of Yoruba films. More often than necessary abusive statements, raining of curses and the invention of such and rascality has been synonymous with Yoruba films. The very rich Yoruba culture which the world could learn from is often being tarnished by our film industry. However there are various Yoruba producers who focus on spreading the positivity of the Yoruba culture i. e. Tunde Kelani, Tade Ogidan, Yinka Afolayan. Men from the Northern part of Nigeria are also often times portrayed as either a gateman or the security man of a well-established family. The character who could actually be Yoruba speaks like a man from the north to convince the audience that the gateman is a man from the Northern part of the Country. Little does Nollywood know that many of the gatemen in Lagos which I can speak for are not even Nigerians. I have observed that most of the gatemen/security men in reality are actually from Niger Republic many of them look like Nigerian Northerners, are able to speak Hausa language but they are not Nigerians. RECOMMENDATIONS ?Every race has some sort of value and norms that could be positive, the media should hereby seek out such and spread them. ? The media needs to respect the fact that every human person has dignity and should be portrayed as such. ?They never should never assume that a particular race or ethnicity is less than the other, regardless of the socio economic status of such groups. ?The media should seek to solve the challenges faced by some races and ethnic groups rather than exploit them. ?The media should be reminded that they are socially responsible to the society, thus they should be mindful of what they feed the society with.
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