Thursday, December 26, 2019
An Overview of Cultural Conservatives
There are no solid dates for when cultural conservatism arrived on the American political scene, but it was certainly after 1987, which lead some people to believe the movement was started by writer and philosopher Allan Bloom, who in 1987, wrote Closing of the American Mind, an immediate and unexpected national best seller. While the book is mostly a condemnation of the failure of the liberal American university system, its criticism of social movements in the US has strong cultural conservative overtones. For this reason, most people look to Bloom as the movements founder. Ideology Often confused with social conservatism - which is more concerned with pushing social issues such as abortion and traditional marriage to the front of the debate - modern cultural conservatism has strayed from the simple anti-liberalization of society Bloom espoused. Cultural conservatives of today hold fast to traditional ways of thinking even in the face of monumental change. They believe strongly in traditional values, traditional politics and often have an urgent sense of nationalism. It is in the area of traditional values where cultural conservatives most overlap with social conservatives (and other types of conservatives, for that matter). While cultural conservatives do tend to be religious, it is only because religion plays such a large role in US culture. Cultural conservatives, however, can be affiliated with any American sub-culture, but whether they are of the Christian culture, anglo-saxon Protestant culture or African American culture, they tend to align themselves tightly with their own. Cultural conservatives are often accused of racism, even though their flaws (if they surface) may be more xenophobic than racist. To a much larger degree than traditional values, nationalism and traditional politics are primarily what concern cultural conservatives. The two are often strongly intertwined, and show up in national political debates under the auspices of immigration reform and protecting the family. Cultural conservatives believe in buying American and oppose introducing foreign languages such as Spanish or Chinese on interstate signs or ATM machines. Criticisms A cultural conservative may not always be a conservative in all other matters, and this is where critics most often assault the movement. Because cultural conservatism isnt easily defined in the first place, critics of cultural conservatives tend to point to inconsistencies that dont really exist. For example, cultural conservatives are largely silent (as Bloom was) on the issue of gay rights (their main concern is the movements disruption with American traditions, not the gay lifestyle itself), critics therefore point to this as being contradictory to the conservative movement as a whole -- which it isnt, since conservatism in general has a such a broad meaning. Political Relevance Cultural conservatism in common American thought has increasingly replaced the term religious right, even though they arent really the same things. In fact, social conservatives have more in common with the religious right than cultural conservatives. Nevertheless, cultural conservatives have enjoyed considerable success at the national level, especially in the 2008 presidential election, where immigration became a focus of the national debate. Cultural conservatives are often grouped politically with other kinds of conservatives, simply because the movement doesnt tightly address wedge issues like abortion, religion, and as noted above, gay rights. Cultural conservatism often serves as a launching pad for newcomers to the conservative movement who want to call themselves conservative while they determine where they stand on the wedge issues. Once they are able to define their beliefs and attitudes, they often move away from cultural conservatism and into another, more tightly focused movement.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Solutions for the Social Problem of Poverty in the United...
Poverty is a common social issue that has troubled the United States for a countless number of years. Poverty is considered deprivation. It is when we are deprived of the things we need to function properly in society. Education, food and shelter are things that individuals struggling through poverty lack. Poverty is subjective because anyone can differ on the level of deprivation we suffer that describes the state of poverty. Some people even want to include the ability to go on foreign holidays as people are deprived of something the majority up till quite recently could do. Unsurprisingly, it still widely exists and has been a consistent problem. No matter what the overall prosperity level is, there will always be millions of†¦show more content†¦Absolute necessities are anything ranging from the essentials, such as heat and shelter. An example of relative poverty would be taking a random group of people off the street to classify their wealth; otherwise, basing judgment off on something as simple as shoes. Another example could be the poverty you may find in another country. People who live in poor accommodation, cannot afford luxuries, struggling to make ends meet, are said to suffer from relative poverty. Several issues in the world including illness and thirst are causes to poverty. Many times people underestimate the word poor. However, poor is more than just seemingly not having money. One literally has no food or water to eat nor drink and live homeless on the streets begging for money and supplies. Furthermore, the effects of poverty are most often interrelated so another follows that one problem. An example of this would be bad sanitation, which makes it easier to spread around diseases but lack of supplies make people more vulnerable to them. Other things such as lack of education, and abuse are all consequences of poverty to individuals. According to Howard Glennerster in United States Poverty Studies and Poverty Measurement: The Past Twenty-Five Years, poverty has been a steady condition in United States history. Not only that, but today there is even more discussion focused on the â€Å"culture and race ofShow MoreRelatedSelling in the Barrio: The Culture of Poverty Essay1165 Words  | 5 PagesMultiple studies have been completed to show that people from all racial groups and ethnicities are negatively affected by poverty. Those in the lowest social class, while a mix of ethnicities, are predominantly minorities and affected the most. What stood out about Philippe Bourgeois’ is that he not only studies the people and their culture but he lived it with them. Mr. Bourgois spent two years with his wife and child living with the Puerto Rican’s in East Harlem, NY. He lived with them and becameRead MoreHomelessness in the United States Essay1461 Words  | 6 Pageswithout enough food.†This st atistic only reflects the United States, and to many people, it just doesn’t make sense. For instance Alfredzine Black of the YWCA in Marion, Indiana says, â€Å"I don’t understand why we have so much poverty in the richest country in the world!†Citizens of the United States have a hard time defining and identifying poverty in their communities, so the country should crate a consistent and accurate measure of poverty. Also, urban growth is leaving people behind and causingRead MorePoverty Of The United States1529 Words  | 7 PagesPoverty is an important issue in the United States. In fact, child poverty in the US is at its highest point in 20 years. [Flores Lesley, 2014] The poor are at a disadvantage, because they have an unfulfilled right to a good education. A majority of children attending public schools come from low-income families. It is hypothesized that a low household income correlates with poor achievement in school. A solution to poverty i s for everyone to have a good education so everyone can be equallyRead MorePoverty As A Social Problem796 Words  | 4 PagesPoverty Name: Institutional affiliation: â€Æ' Introduction Author Browning Cagney (2003), defines poverty as a state of inadequate resources and low living standards that cannot cater to basic human requirements. Poverty thus means lack of basic needs such as food, clothing, health institutes, and shelter. For most countries around the world, poverty is a prevalent social issue. It usually leads to multiple social ills like parental and domestic abuse, drug abuse, diseases, and corruption among manyRead MoreEffects Of Poverty On The United States Essay1436 Words  | 6 PagesWorld poverty is a complex global issue that varies depending on where you live. Many Americans in recent years acquiring the needs for shelter, food, and clothing is becoming more difficult to obtain the necessities of survival. Unless there is a cultural and behavioral change in our society regarding world poverty, poverty rates will continue to rise. Poverty is affecting thousands of people in the United States; this impact is changing the quality of life for fami lies. These effects on familiesRead MoreThe Appalachian Region959 Words  | 4 Pagesregion is one of the most valuable areas of the United States. It is rich in many natural aspects and is home to some of the hardest working citizens in this country. Unfortunately, Appalachia is also home to a variety of harsh social problems including severe drug abuse and a gripping poverty facing a large portion of Appalachian citizens. The two of these issues seem to go hand in hand in many cases, so the solution of one could also lead to the solution of the other. Appalachians have always had aRead MoreEducation And Training Centers For Low Income Job Seekers916 Words  | 4 Pagesfor low-income job seekers in Baltimore County, along with the proposed solution to the specific decision makers. This memo will also explain why the problem is importance and how the solution can help improve the overall quality of life for low-income people. Lastly, I have included a few specific references at the end of this memo. Actual Problem Although access to education seems available everywhere in the United States, access to job related training programs in low-income communities seemsRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book Men We Reaped 939 Words  | 4 PagesIn the United States, Americans are painfully aware that poverty is a massive upsurge. Americans are getting poor and poor by the minute and that’s a problem. In the book â€Å"Men We Reaped†Jesmyn Ward explains that society sees our life being worth nothing. If I had the choice to change poverty I would raise the minimum wage so more people would want to work and the money can at least accommodate for a 3 house family with one person working. In the book â€Å"Men We Reaped†Jesmyn explained about her hometownRead MoreSocial Welfare Vs. The Market958 Words  | 4 PagesThere are many reasons why individuals live in poverty. Such as drug addiction, lack of education, Unaffordable housing, criminal record, and alcohol addiction. These issues cripple our country continuously. â€Å"Poverty is not anyone persons decision. Parents do not wake up one day and just decide not to feed their family or pay bills. Poverty is a state when individual’s essential needs are not satisfied, Such as healthcare, education, food, and housing which are the main components to survive everydayRead MoreHow Did Poverty Represent The Problems Of An Expanding Nation During The Early Republic Period?1298 Words  | 6 Pages1. How did poverty represent the problems of an expanding nation during the early Republic period? The time between the writing of the U.S. Constitution in 1787 and the financial depression, beginning in 1837, saw poverty as the most significant social pressure in the United States. There were many unanswered questions regarding society’s role in helping the poor and underprivileged during this time in the early Republic. It was debated whether or not society was responsible for helping find jobs
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
How does Shakespeare make you feel increasingly sympathetic towards Juliet Essay Example For Students
How does Shakespeare make you feel increasingly sympathetic towards Juliet? Essay During Act 3 scene 5 Shakespeare enables the audience to feel increasingly sympathetic towards Juliet and her current situation. To do this Shakespeare employs many dramatic devices and completely isolates her from the rest of the characters. At the opening of the scene Romeo must leave Juliet. However it is in the middle of the night and emotions are heightened. Romeo and Juliet cannot establish whether it is night or day. This could be symbolic of the predicament they are in. Juliet tries to persuade Romeo that it is not yet dawn, and therefore he does not have to leave yet. Yond light is not daylight, I know it. At first Romeo is sceptical and says that he must go, but then resolves to stay and face capture and even death. I must be gone and live, or stay and die. The time of their departure enables the audience to feel increasingly sympathetic towards the couple. Romeo is frightened and worried about being captured as he is banished. He faces a death penalty if he is caught. Tragically all this is happening on their wedding night, it should be the happiest time of their lives and both Romeo and Juliet want it to last forever. Sadly it is tainted by the fact that they do not know when they shall next speak again. The audience would also feel sympathy towards Juliet on her wedding day, supposedly the happiest day of her life, as she has lost her cousin, found out her newly wed husband is a murderer and then at the end of her wedding night just to add insult to injury she is, about to loose her husband as well, due to banishment. The majority of the audience will understand how heart-rending it must be for Romeo to be banished on the day of the young couples wedding. As many members of the audience would have been married, they would probably be imagining their wedding night and realising how terrible the timing is of this quandary. Shakespeare uses musical imagery with words like, discords, unpleasing sharps and out of tune. All these musical terms mean things are going very wrong in a piece of music. However in the case of Romeo and Juliet things are not going wrong in a piece of music, but in their lives. A precise indicator of the situation facing the young couple is typified by the following quote, More light and light, more dark and dark our woes. It is ironic how we consider light to be associated with happiness and good; however in the case of Romeo and Juliet it is used to signify loss and cruel division. As Romeo departs from Juliets bedroom, we fear the couple will never see one another alive again. Although Romeo appears to be fairly positive, and looking forward to their sweet discourses, Juliet adopts an attitude quite to the contrary. When Juliet asks Romeo whether he believes they shall ever meet again, Romeo replies, I doubt it not. However as Juliet says her goodbyes her words are filled with foreboding and she has a premonition of Romeo lying dead in a tomb. Methinks I see thee now, thou art so low, As one dead in the bottom of a tomb. This echoes Juliets previous statement as Romeo goes to leave let day in, and let life out. Although Romeo is still being quite positive considering the situation the couple are facing Juliet is not. She seems to be focusing on all the terrible things being cruelly separated in this way has forced upon her. An example of this is the way she centres on how slowly the time will pass whilst they are apart, saying, For in a minute there are many days. Juliet correctly summarises her attitude and character when she states she has an, ill-divining soul. This suggests that she believes she is in control of the fate of her own character. However it is a statement that must be questioned throughout the play. As an audience we are aware from the very beginning that the play is a tragedy due to the prologue, What makes 'Twelfth Night' a Comedy EssayI will drag thee on a hurdle thither. He then gives her a choice, marriage or rejection from the family. As the audience are well aware, this is not much of a choice. Lady Capulet is also very cruel and abusive towards Juliet when she becomes aware of her refusal to marry Paris. I would the fool were married to her grave. As an audience we feel very sympathetic towards Juliet now the insults that she has been thrown from both her mother and her father, were terrible. She cannot tell them her secret and as an audience we feel increasingly sympathetic towards Juliet and her seemingly hopeless situation. When her parents have both left, Juliet looks for comfort from the Nurse. The Nurse is someone that Juliet really relies upon for support and guidance. At this particular moment in time, what Juliet really needs is a friend, someone who will help and support her. She cannot turn to her parents for this and since she was very young the Nurse has played this role. Juliet expects the nurse to help as she was all for the marriage to Romeo. She looks to her for guidance and counsel. Previously the Nurse praised Romeo and even encouraged Juliet to marry him. However now she too turns against Juliet. Juliet is furious that the Nurse is completely contradicting what she had said about Romeo in the past. Now she is comparing Romeo to Paris, and in her eyes Paris is far better than Romeo. She now advises Juliet, I think it best you married with the County, whilst she compares Romeo to a dishclout. By the time the Nurse has finished Juliet feels utterly betrayed and is beside herself with fury. As an audience our sympathy is now at its utmost. Juliet is now completely isolated. The person that she has always confided in and relied upon has now betrayed her at the single most important time that she was needed. As things seem to be spiralling out of control for Juliet the audience must begin to sense that things will never turn right for her or Romeo, and are probably beginning to anticipate their deaths. All these circumstances are compounded by the fact that she cannot marry, as she is already wed. She has lost her cousin, who she was very close to and her husband has been banished. She is also unsure of her feelings towards Romeo, as to whether he is a murderer or her lover. Her life has been turned upside down in a matter of days and she is now completely alone. The scene finishes with a soliloquy from Juliet. From this we can see how furious she is with the nurse and how hopeless she believes the situation to be. At the very end of this short soliloquy she puts forward the only two ideas she can come up with. The first idea, her plan A so to speak, is to seek help from the Friar. However her plan B is to take her life if all else fails. If all else fail, myself have power to die. This last line is when tension is at its utmost and so is our sympathy for Juliet. The extent of despair that she is feeling is explicitly exposed, when she begins to contemplate taking her own life. In conclusion, throughout this scene Shakespeare employs many dramatic devices as he builds up the audiences sympathy for Juliet. He does this through his choice of language and vocabulary, the way he isolates her from the rest of the characters and the terrible timing of each situation.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Thrones of Ancient Maya Essay Example
Thrones of Ancient Maya Essay The article that I studied is entitled Thrones and Throne Structures in the Central Acropolis of Tikal as an Expression of the Royal Court, by Peter D. Harrison.In this article it shows that you may use the varieties of reception thrones as evidence of court function.Some other topics are on the source material for the construction of thrones and decoration (or lack of) and reasons for it. Some of the functions that were used from the throne were reception of tribute goods, reception of prisoners involving presence of military guards, reception of visiting dignitaries displaying royalty, ritual divination, and possibly even accession rituals.This wide use of thrones in Tikal was compared to other cultures royal courts, including the court of Louis XIV in France and the royal Inka court of Cuzco.The examiners found that markers of these courts all included the use of livery (clothing showing especially high rank), use of thrones, and the association of church and state. Tikals thron es are the simplest, plainest, least-decorated thrones in the lowlands of Ancient Maya.Highly decorated thrones are smaller and are thought to be less powerful than those in Tikal.We go on to find that even though this was a large city with great political influence and wealth, they seated their highest officials on the plainest of thrones.The author does remind us that even though there seems to be an apparent absence in decoration, there is a variety of form and context of Tikal thrones. It is noted that masonry-constructed benches were a Late Classic (A.D. 650-900) phenomenon in Tikal because there are no Early Classic (A.D. 292-650) examples existing in the Central Acropolis.We find that this is because the native stone to Tikal did not have high tensile strength so they used the medium of wood, which gave way for their famous intricate lintel carvings.When the benches and thrones in masonry form were finally introd
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Affects of the Enlightenment essays
Affects of the Enlightenment essays Many men and women had significant impacts on the historical period known as the Enlightenment. Three men that had such an impact on the Enlightenment were Thomas Hobbes, John Locke, and Montesquieu. Each of these men had different theories and ideas about what type of government there should be. This resulted in many people having different opinions on how the government should rule their country. Due to this, the Enlightenment was a very chaotic and opinionated period. During the seventeenth century, England was on the verge of a civil war. It was split between an absolute monarchy and a self governed society. One man who believed in absolute monarchy was Thomas Hobbes. He believed in totalitarianism, which is when the government controls every aspect of your life. He believed this because he said that people could not have a self governed society because people are naturally corrupt and that a self governed society would cause chaos. Hobbes also supported absolutism because there was a non-educated population, and if that population governed itself, there would be craziness. He advocated that an absolute monarchy would protect the people and bring peace throughout the society. To share his ideas with the rest of the world, he published a book called Leuathon. This book shared his beliefs about absolutism. Hobbes felt very strong about his beliefs and he had many supporters. But there were other enlightened thinkers who disagreed with him. John Locke was also an enlightened thinker but disagreed with Hobbes. Locke believed in a limited government. He believed in this because a limited government was established to protect the people and their rights. Locke stated that the people had a right to overthrow the government if it violated their natural rights. The natural rights were liberty, life, and property. Property was one of the rights because land equals wealth. Locke based his theories on natural law...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Federalists Domestic Challenge essays
Federalists Domestic Challenge essays Three of the most significant domestic challenges that the Federalists faced was the land policy, which organized the sale of lands. Another domestic challenge that they faced was the Alien and Sedition Acts, which regulated immigration and citizenship in the United States. Last, but not least, The Whiskey Rebellion, in which the Federalists dealt with rebellion of backcountry farmers. The Whiskey Rebellion was caused by Hamiltons tax on liquor that he levied in 1791. This tax made alot of backcountry farmers really mad, and eventually caused them to begin to resist, and eventually turned into a revolt. The full-blown rebellion started in 1794. The farmers became so infuriated by the tax that they began to terrorize revenuers and taxpayers. In response to this Washington issued a proclamation that called out the militia men to handle the situation. They received no response from the farmers, so on September 24, they issued the proclamation for the suppression of the rebellion. General Henry Lee and his army marched out to the backcountry. As soon as they began to put heat on the rebellors the band vaporized. The army arrested and imprisoned twenty men. This event gained strength and reputation for the government. However, the people sympathetic to the frontiersmen soon became Republicans. The Federalists issued the Alien and Sedition Acts in 1798. These acts consisted of four separate acts that mainly reflected hostility towards foreigners, mainly the French and Irish who were Republicans. These four acts were: The Naturalization Act, The Alien Act, the Alien Enemy Act, and the Sedition Act. The Naturalization Act increased the time that an immigrant had to be a resident from five years to fourteen years, in order to become a citizen. The Alien Act gave the president the power to deport any alien that he felt was Dangerous to the country. The Alien E ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Enrolment and Placement in Special Education Essay
Enrolment and Placement in Special Education - Essay Example In countries such as the United States, there are national policies such as the Individual with Disabilities Education Act and The Rehabilitation Act. For instance Page 118 STAT. 2649 of the Rehabilitation Act states that the Act is a â€Å"policy of ensuring equality of opportunity, full participation, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency for individuals with disabilities†(U.S Office of Special Education and Rehabilitation Services, 2007). In a similar relation, Australia also has Acts that promote the improvement of special education as seen in the mission statement of the Australian Association of Special Education. This not withstanding, there have been some few hitches with the implementation of the Special Education Acts in Australia. A provider of services to people who are blind or have low vision, Vision Australia indicates in a Review of Special Education Services in ACT Public Schools discussion paper states that some parents of the disabled are not pl eased with the public schools system and therefore switch to join individualized programs (Renee and Sue, 2009). Trend of enrolment and placement in special education In Australia, special education is regarded as the education that â€Å"covers the education of children with particular needs†(AUSSIE Educator, 2011). Enrolment and placement into special education targets â€Å"students who exhibit special requirements in the areas of behaviour disorders and learning, physical, hearing or vision impairment†(AUSSIE Educator, 2011) whiles treating gifted students with special abilities separately. This means that gifted students are not included in the enrolment and placement when talking... From this essay it is clear that special education in Australia is treated with a lot of attention and concern. To this effect, there are governmental policies and laws that back it. There are also a number of associations that ensure the smooth running of the special education program. One of such recognized associations is the Australian Association of Special Education (AASE). The AASE aims to enhance access for students with special education, improve the quality of educational programs, promote professional standards of a high order and to support research that informs the delivery of special education in the Australian context.This discussion stresses that in Australia, special education is regarded as the education that â€Å"covers the education of children with particular needs†. Enrolment and placement into special education targets â€Å"students who exhibit special requirements in the areas of behaviour disorders and learning, physical, hearing or vision imp airment†whiles treating gifted students with special abilities separately. This means that gifted students are not included in the enrolment and placement when talking about special education. Enrolment and placement takes two major forms, which are integration into regular schools and separation into special schools. In cases where special needs students are enrolled in regular schools, the school system is forced to cut down on admission to make classes have smaller numbers of students.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Week 9 Case study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Week 9 Case study - Assignment Example A diet history will be required to determine if the problem stems from an iodine-deficient diet. Anemia is also another cause for lymphadenopathy. Anemia is characterized by low iron levels in the body, either from an iron-deficient diet or other metabolic and genetic disorders. Lack of iron in the body is commonly associated with hypothyroidism, which can manifest through enlarged thyroid glands (Ravanbod et al., 2013; Chandel, Chatterjee & Abichandani, 2015). Some studies have also shown that thyroid hormones are responsible for erythropoiesis (Iddah et al., 2013) and changes in thyroid function influence erythrocyte indices significantly (Bremner et al., 2012). Therefore, hypothyroidism may be the primary cause of anemia in the patient, which explains the weight loss. To know if the condition is due to an iron deficiency, the patient will be required to provide a detailed diet history or any past illnesses that may interfere with iron metabolism in the body. The patient will be required to undergo certain tests to confirm the cause of the weight loss and lymphadenopathy. Thyroid function tests are essential to determine if the thyroid gland is working as it should be. If the tests confirm hypothyroidism, a treatment plan will be formulated for the patient. However, if the problem is not from the thyroid gland, further tests to confirm the serum iron levels will be done. Iron deficiency is indicative of a poor diet or other metabolic disorders. Iron deficiency may also increase the chances of thyroid dysfunction, which the woman is experiencing. Depleted iron stores are also a symptom of impaired thyroid function (Chandei, Chatterjee & Abichandani, 2015). Clinical signs can also show if the patient has anemia or hypothyroidism. To detect anemia, the physician will check the fingertips and the inner sides of the eyelids to confirm if they are pale. Due to the low amount of hemoglobin in anemic
Sunday, November 17, 2019
The Kite Runner Essay Example for Free
The Kite Runner Essay I will be doing my book review on the book called ‘kite runner’, by Khalid Hosseini. The Kite Runner tells the story of Amir, a young boy from the Wazir Akbar Khan district of Kabul, who befriends Hassan, the son of his fathers Hazara servant. The story is set against a background of upcoming events, from the fall of Afghanistans monarchy through the Soviet invasion, the large number of refugees sent to Pakistan and the United States, and the rise of the Taliban regime. I am doing my book review on the Kite Runner because I think it is a marvellous and very interesting book. The author also describes the settings very well. Khalid Hosseini was born on 4th March 1965; he is an American novelist and physician from Afghanistan and he is an ethnic Tajik. Amir, a wealthy Pashtun boy, and Hassan, a Hazara who is the son of Ali, Amirs fathers servant, spend their days in the peaceful city of Kabul, kite fighting and roaming through the streets. Amirs father, a wealthy merchant, whom Amir affectionately refers to as ‘Baba’, loves both boys, but seems critical of Amir for not being manly enough. However, he has a kinder father figure in the form of Rahim Khan, Babas friend, who understands Amir better, and supports his interest in writing. Hassan and Amir are great friends. Hassan is also a very good kite runner. Five years later, the Soviet Union invades Afghanistan. Amir and Baba escape to Peshawar, Pakistan and then to Fremont, California, where Amir and Baba, who lived in luxury in an expensive mansion in Afghanistan, settle in a run-down apartment and Baba begins work at a gas station. Amir eventually takes classes at a local community college to develop his writing skills after graduating from high school at age twenty. Every Sunday, Baba and Amir make extra money selling used goods at a flea market in San Jose. Hassan is killed but his son is in trouble, so Amir goes back to Afghanistan to save him. The genre of this novel is action and adventure. Most of the action takes place in Afghanistan. The author described the place where Amir lived; you could almost picture his house in your mind. When you chose an adventure book people expect the story to be interesting, fascinating and settings to be described very well also. The novel fits the genre because they play all around Kabul, running away from the bullies and also it is about the life of Hassan and Amir, it has the up and downs of their lives. One triumphant day, Amir wins the local tournament, and finally Babas praise. Hassan runs for the last cut kite, a great trophy, saying to Amir, For you, a thousand times over. Unfortunately, Hassan encounters Assef. Hassan refuses to give up Amirs kite. Assef decides to teach Hassan a lesson by beating him half to death and then raping him. Amir witnesses the act but convinced himself that he is too scared to intervene; though its actually the fact that he needs the kite for Babas praise and approval and he knows if he does intervene, then he wont get the kite and he returns home ashamed, guilty for not being able to help his best friend. He feels that his cowardice in Hassans rape would destroy any hopes for Babas affections, so he says nothing. Afterward, Hassan and Amir keep a distance from each other. Amir reacts indifferently because he feels ashamed, and is frustrated by Hassans saint-like behavior. Already jealous of Babas love for Hassan, he worries that if Baba knew of Hassans bravery and his own cowardice, that Babas love for Hassan would grow even more. This part of the story showed how loyal and brave Hassan was. Amir like reading stories and is a storyteller. He and Hassan play with kites all the time. He is a little bit afraid of the other boys like Assef. I have enjoyed this book a lot it has been interesting, I felt sorry for Hassan because he was so loyal and his loyalty had cost his life. The novel was a great adventure story. It is one of the best books I have ever read. By Nima Tajali.
Friday, November 15, 2019
how to safely change a flat tire :: essays research papers
How To Safely Change A Flat Tire While changing a flat tire may seem to be simple enough, there are some safety tips you should know first. „h Always park on level ground away from oncoming traffic. „h Always place the gear shift lever in park or in gear in the case of a manual transmission. „h Always set the emergency brake and remove the keys from the ignition. After you have completed each of these procedures you will be ready to change the flat. Step 1: Remove the jack, spare tire and lug wrench. To prevent personal injury, remove the spare before raising the vehicle. Step 2: Remove the wheel cover by prying it away from the rim using the flat end of the lug wrench. If your vehicle is equipped with custom wheel covers or locking lug nuts, consult the owner's manual for proper removal instructions. Step 3: Next loosen each lug nut two full turns. Never remove the lug nuts completely during this step. Step 4: Following the instructions on the jack or in the owner's manual, place the jack under the vehicle as recommended by the car's manufacturer. Then raise the tire approximately two inches from the ground. This will allow enough room to remove the flat and replace it with the spare. WARNING: Never place your hands or feet under the vehicle or tire once it has been raised. Step 5: Now remove all of the lug nuts. When removing the lug nuts place them inside the wheel cover. This will make it easier to find them to put them back on. If you have trouble loosening a stubborn lug nut, spray it with WD-40 and let it set for about two minutes. This will help make the job easier. Step 6: Next remove the flat tire from the working area. Flat on the ground behind your car is the best place as this will help prevent it from rolling into traffic and it will be out of the way as well. Step 7: Place the spare tire onto the hub by holding the outer sides of the tire. Never place your hands in the center of the rim or under the tire. Step 8: Put each of the lug nuts back on with the tapered end of the nut facing the rim. When they are all on, make sure they are snug, not tight. This is just to help align the rim to the hub and hold the tire in place until the car is lowered.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Curleys Wife Victim or Dynamite? Essay
Introduction In the novella, â€Å"Of Mice and Men â€Å", written by John Steinbeck, he is able to portray the fact that the character that was mainly involved in Lennie’s downfall was Curley’s Wife or that she has brought all the problems for the men living working in the farm. There are different points of view on whether she is Miss Dynamite or a victim. Nevertheless there are different facts that need to be considered for both sides of the argument. Second Paragraph One of the arguments of the novella is whether Curley’s Wife is Miss Dynamite or on whether she is a victim. She comes in the story as a very strong character and the reader is able to perceive this. She is always trying to seduce men and this is incorrect as she is a married woman. â€Å"She smiled archly and twitched her body†. This gives the impression that she is not interested in what others think and the only thing that she is thinking about is in having fun. Women that were married weren’t supposed to that kind of fun. She conveys that she is not concerned about her husband. If she would be interested in her marriage she might maybe have a good time and in some way start loving her husband. However there is the detail that her husband is not always with her â€Å"I’m trying to find Curley Slim†. She is really not interested in finding Curley, she just wants some companion but she could talk that with her husband and start to solve the problems within them and start to enjoy the company between them. Moreover she should not act as a victim and she could really do something about the fact that she is bored. She could read a book or do some other activities and as mentioned before she could talk to her husband about it. What she is doing is not benefiting anyone, she is getting herself and the workers into trouble and she, instead of becoming a nice person to be around, becomes an annoying person. On the other hand there is the argument that she is a victim on how she is being treated and the fact that she is really lonely and that her husband does not pay any attention to her.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Best Buy Case Study Essay
Best Buy is a multinational corporation with over 4,000 locations nationwide. Circuit City was Best Buy’s only main competition for some years until it took over and ran Circuit City out of business. Best Buy’s market share increased after that however, other large retailers as well as e-tailers entered into the market. Amazon, Target, Wal-Mart and Apple became Best Buy’s new competition that caused a decrease in market sales in 2010. They all had the same thing in common after the Circuit City collapse and that was to increase electronics. They all had their own strategies to out-beat Best Buy. Although Best Buy acquired some more competition in a 2010 survey consumers still said Best Buy is the first to come to mind when they think about buying electronics. However, even though Best Buy is the first that comes to mind against the other competitors, depending on what the product is they will go to Amazon to buy it instead. Due to their strategy which focuses on three areas; customer-centricity, employment policies and exclusive branding, they are keeping up with the competition. Best Buy’s strategies may help them a majority of the time but they could change their strategies just a little bit. They should try what Wal-Mart does and price match ads with other stores so that way they are still getting the profits and keeping customers. In my opinion, Best Buy could improve their strategy when it comes to prices because they are on the higher end of prices. As a consumer myself, I do look at Best Buy first for my electronics but I usually go somewhere else because the prices are usually cheaper. Other than their prices I actually think their strategies are working out good for them and it shows in their rankings amongst other competitors. Consumer electronics is considered a mature industry because of the new trends. This industry hits record sales during the holiday seasons but still says rather well throughout the year as well. All companies associated with this industry try to keep up so they make their own products. However, due to manufactures cannibalizing their products their product life cycle has decreased. Manufactures started doing this to try to keep their consumers loyalty. When prices start to fall for technology products this opens a bigger demographic; however by time the prices fall for the products they have come up with better products. In order to recapture the growth of Best Buy they should try to fix the prices to fit a bigger demographic. I think if they at least try to work with the consumers with the prices they would gain more customers. The problem is the fact that consumers go elsewhere when they see the prices and do a price match. Amazon became popular with electronics because people f ound out that they could get electronics of all kinds online. Also Amazon has an advantage over Best Buy because with Amazon there is free shipping on products, well on most products. I think if Best Buy tried to adapt some of Amazon’s strategy they can out beat them in the electronics department. If they could be like Amazon and have a limitless inventory online rather than just have their amount of availability on the showroom. If they did this I think they would see growth in their company. They pride their selves in having the most respected name brands in the consumer electronics industry so if they matched the prices with their pride in their brands I see a definite growth in their company. With Best Buy being a well-known company and is the first that comes to mind when talking about electronics, if they had a bigger choice when it came to the products than they might gain some more growth as well to go along with their already loyal customer base. At Best Buy, they offer a selection of energy-efficient products. These products were designed to help their customers around the world save some more money by using less energy. I think with Best Buy becoming more sustainable they are more able to maintain the interest of the stakeholders. With these products the shareholders play a big role in influencing their overall sustainability strategy. The stakeholders help with modeling Best Buy’s annual sustainability reports. So with them adding this strategy and allowing the stakeholders to get the chance to have a part in the strategy they are gaining their interest. Best Buy actually takes the recommendations from their stakeholders and they try to communicate with them in efforts to keep their interest in their decision to incorporate a sustainability strategy. I think this was a good move on their part because it states they were uncertain about Mr. Dunn’s five year growth strategy. The stakeholders were worried abo ut Best Buy’s cash position and about if these strategies would work or not. Anytime when stakeholders have the opportunity to have a so in a company is a good thing. In conclusion, I believe Best Buy is a great company but can become a better one if they were to do some modifications with their strategies. With the constantly changing economy they need to adapt their strategies to the changes. I’m not saying they would have to always change their strategies but I think they should always try their best to make their strategies fit the customers as well as help the success of the company. With that being said I believe they will receive even better results for the company as well as the consumers.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Informative Essay Sample on the British Airways
Informative Essay Sample on the British Airways British Airways (BA) faced diverse problems in 1980. Following World War II BA inherited numerous war veterans who brought their military mentality with them. BA initially formed through the merger of two government agencies. These two factors created an organization that provided the cut and dry service of taking off and landing on time. Nothing else mattered. In the early 1970’s BA turned profits. This caused neglect to foster amongst BA’s overseers. During the 1970’s, BA focused only on minimizing cost to the state. Like government agencies, BA had become extremely inefficient due to too many employees and too many managers. BA’s productivity level was about half the average of the other eight foreign airlines. BA management recognized that 58,000 employees were too many; however, unrealistic passenger growth forecasts allowed management to overlook their obesity year after year. Customer service was not of much importance at BA. The rigid culture at BA did not infuse its employees with a need to put the customer first. BA treated customers as though the customer did not have a choice in service and as though the customer had received a benefit in getting to ride the airplane. Numerous bad experiences tarnished BA’s public image. In 1980 external problems revealed the festering internal problems. In 1980, Britain soaked in its worst recession in 50 years, which reduced passenger numbers and sent fuel costs through the roof. Faced with a recession teamed with an archaic fleet and high staffing costs, BA was running out of funds at a rapid pace and teetered on the verge of bankruptcy. Due to its soiled image, the planned privatization of BA to the investing public would not save the airline. British Airways needed immediate radical change in order to survive. British Airways, one of the most prominent airlines in Europe, had a major crisis in the late 1970s and early 1980s. It was on the verge of bankruptcy. Management had to make drastic changes to get rid of their â€Å"bloody awful†image, to get the airline back to profitability. The change process implemented at BA reflected most of the features mentioned in John Kotter’s eight-step model for implementing a successful change. Following is a description of these steps. Establishing a Sense of Urgency: In 1981 BA’s management realized that it needed a drastic change in its business model and culture to avoid bankruptcy. The challenge was to change the operational culture of people who believed that their job was simply to get an aircraft into the air on time and to get it down on time. As Roy Watts (CEO of BA) stated in his special bulletin to the staff, there was a high possibility of BA going out of business unless they took decisive actions to cut their costs sharply and immediately. The problems at BA became worse when Britain’s worst recession in fifty years reduced passenger numbers and raised fuel costs. These situations created increased sense of urgency for BA management to bring about a transformation. The first step taken by BA management to address this problem was the hiring of Sir John King as the Chairman who believed that a change was necessary. King had a successful track record of starting businesses and restructuring companies in trouble. King was a respected individual in society with government connections. This fostered his ability to implement a change process. Thus by hiring King, BA successfully implemented the first step in Kotter’s eight-step change model which states that â€Å"Transformation often begin, and begin well, when an organization has a new head who is a good leader and who sees the need for a major change.†Forming a Powerful Guiding Coalition: One of the first steps that King took was to surround himself with a group of people with enough power to help him start the change process. King hired Gordon Dunlop as the CFO. As CFO, Dunlop’s contribution to the recovery years was significant. The second step was to break the 36-year-old contract with Foote, Cone Belding and to hire a new advertising agency, Saatchi Saatchi. This was an important step to change the airlines image to â€Å"The World’s Favorite Airline†. King also recruited Colin Marshall, as CEO of the company, who proved to be the single most important person in the implementation of the change process. Marshall brought with him two tremendous advantages. First, he understood customer service, and second, he had worked with a set of customers similar to the airline segment. Thus based on eight-step model, King built a successful turn around team of individuals who were powerful in terms of title, informa tion and expertise, relationship and reputations. Creating a Vision: According to Kotter, a vision helps clarify the direction in which the organization needs to move. BA started the change process with a vision to be the â€Å"World’s Favorite Airline†. BA started developing strategies to achieve this vision. The first step King launched was to implement a Survival plan to cut cost and save airline from bankruptcy. BA accomplished its reductions through voluntary measures by offering generous severance pay. This offer was very well received and BA ended up with plenty of volunteers. The layoffs didn’t leave a bad feeling amongst employees. King then hired a new ad agency to change the image of airlines. BA launched the â€Å"Manhattan Landing†campaign sowing the seeds for achieving its vision of becoming the world’s favorite airline. Finally, he recruited a new CEO whose specialty and focus was on customer service. This was one of the important strategies in accomplishing the vision. Communicating the Vision: Kotter states that in order to achieve a vision the company needs commitment and belief from its employees. Credible communication to the employees increases their belief in the change process. BA management started communicating its vision by sending out personal invitations to gather employees so that they could tune in to the inaugural of its â€Å"Manhattan Landing†advertisement campaign. Some BA offices also held cocktail parties to celebrate the new campaign. BA management also introduced the PPF (Putting People First), which emphasizes customer service. This program had an extraordinary impact on its employees because of the strong support from management and the honesty of its message. Every program ended with a question and answer session conducted by a Senior Executive to address any employee concerns. This program increased the confidence of the employees in the change process. BA constantly reinforced its changing image to its employees a nd public by putting together celebrations such as the unveiling of its new fleet at Heathrow airport. Empowering Others to Act on the Vision: Once the vision is communicated it is important to encourage employees to act on the vision. In order to change its image, BA management got rid of its 36-year-old relationship with the ad agency. BA management also started empowering its managers by launching a program called Managing People First (MPF). This program stressed the importance of trust, leadership, feedback and vision. BA management also encouraged employees to go beyond their normal job responsibilities. As stated by a veteran engineer, â€Å"Now I can go and do a lot, whatever I need to do, I don’t call someone else to do the job. Now you just get on with it†. Another important step taken by BA was to separate itself from the design of the PPF and MBF training programs. Planning for and Creating Short Term Wins: To implement a vision takes time, it was necessary for BA’s management to renew employee motivation and efforts in the short-run. BA sent personal invitations, flew in thousands of global employees, and made strong efforts to treat all employees with respect. BA’s management celebrated its changes in more visible ways. They put together a big celebration when they unveiled a new fleet at Heathrow Airport. The celebrations went on for eight weeks and four times per day to ensure that all employees were included. These celebrations helped BA to keep the momentum going during the change process. Consolidating Improvements and Producing Still more Change: The BA management continued to maintain its momentum by introducing additional programs such as â€Å"A Day in Life†and â€Å"To Be the Best†. They implemented the â€Å"Brainwaves†program to encourage employee input and also introduced the â€Å"Awards for Excellence Program†to recognize outstanding contributions by employees. The success of change process was exhibited when the government passed legislation to make BA a public company. BA shares were 11 times oversubscribed which showed the confidence of the public in the new image of British Airways. After privatization, BA management made globalization a major priority. This was evident as they bought major stakes in other airlines and forged alliances with various airlines to increase their network. They also bought substantial stake in Galileo, an advanced computer reservation system servicing other major carriers. Institutionalizing New Approaches: Institutionalizing change involves showing how new approaches, behaviors, and attitudes help improve performance. Different scenarios within BA exemplified this point such as celebrating successes with celebrations and including employees of all levels within these celebrations. These celebrations promoted the value of the change process and increased its visibility to everyone in the organization. When BA faced a battle with British Caledonian over route transfers, King and his team were able to rally signatures of over 26,000 employees for submitting a petition. This overwhelming support to the management signified employee commitment and belief in the change process. BA management nurtured new behavior and shared values by introducing various programs like Putting People First (PPF) and Managing People First (MPF). These programs helped in promoting management vision to the entire organization. Thus BA’s management was able to make the cha nge process endure by gradually anchoring it in a supportive culture over a period of time. You can order a custom essay, term paper, research paper, thesis or dissertation on British Airways at our professional custom essay writing service which provides students with high-quality custom papers written by qualified Ph.D. and Masters academic writers. Any topics. Any deadline. 100% plagiarism free guarantee! 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Tuesday, November 5, 2019
What Is a Trade School How Can You Apply
What Is a Trade School How Can You Apply SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips If you want to advance your skills and education but are unsure if a traditional four-year college is for you, you may want to consider a trade school. Attending a vocational school can be an excellent option for those who want to get the necessary training to secure a good job quickly. In this article, I'll explain the benefits and potential disadvantages of trade schools. Also, I'll thoroughly describe the differences between trade schools, community colleges, and four-year colleges. What Is a Trade School? A trade school, sometimes referred to as a vocational school, technical school, or vocational college, is a posts of trade schools include UEI, American Career College, and Chamberlain University. Trade schools can be public or private, but many are for-profit businesses. At a trade school, you can get a degree in fields like information technology, nursing and health sciences, automotive technician training, and medical assisting. Program lengths vary, but typically, they can range from anywhere from eight months to two years. Unlike a four-year college, you don’t graduate from a trade school with a bachelor’s degree. Usually, upon completion of the program, you'll receive a diploma or trade certificate acknowledging you successfully finished. For some programs you can earn an associate degree, which is the degree you get from a two-year college. What Can You Do With a Degree From a Trade School? After completing a trade school program, you can get a job directly related to the field you studied in your vocational school program. For example, once you complete a dental assisting program, you can get a job as a dental assistant. If you complete a program in plumbing, you can get a position as a plumber. Again, these schools are designed to prepare you for a job in a specific field. Here are some of the jobs you can do with a degree from a trade school: Electrician Dental hygienist Plumber Paralegal Nurse Graphic Designer Welder Computer technician Aircraft mechanic Cosmetologist Chef Marine mechanic Construction manager Massage therapist Pharmacy technician The Differences Between Vocational Schools, Community Colleges, and Universities When you're deciding your path, it's important that you know the major differences between trade schools, community colleges, and four-year colleges. I'll outline the biggest differences between each type of school for you here. Trade Schools Trade school programs are the shortest; they run from less than a year to up to two years. As opposed to community colleges and four-year colleges, many vocational schools are for-profit businesses. The focus of trade schools is on giving students hands-on experience directly related to a specific job. At the end of a program, you can get a diploma or certificate, prepare for a licensing exam, or become an apprentice or journeyman in a skilled trade. Admission is mostly open enrollment. There's really no extracurricular involvement or on-campus culture at trade schools. Students just attend their classes and get their professional training. Community Colleges Community colleges award associate degrees at the end of two years. Most community colleges are public, but there are private ones, which are usually referred to as junior colleges. Like trade schools, some community colleges give diplomas or certificates to students who complete a program to practice in a specific field like cosmetology or nursing. Admission is mostly open enrollment: high school graduates or students 18 or older can attend. Community colleges tend to be the cheapest of all the college options. The average tuition and fees for a year at a public two-year college for in-district students is $3,570, and the average at a public four-year college for in-state students is $9,970. The average cost to complete a trade school degree (1-2 years) is $34,740. Socially, there are more options for students at community colleges than there are for students at trade schools. However, there are fewer options compared to students at four-year colleges. Community colleges often have sports teams, clubs, and on-campus residents, but many community college students commute and are only at school for their classes. Also, you have the option of transferring from a two-year community college to a four-year college. Many students start at a community college and then transfer to get a four-year college degree. If you take this option, make sure the courses you take are transferable and that you're doing the necessary work to make yourself eligible to transfer. Bronx Community College Four-Year Colleges Four-year colleges can be public or private, and the vast majority are non-profit. After successfully finishing a program at a four-year college, you get a bachelor's degree. This is the most versatile and highest degree you can get compared to degrees at trade schools and community colleges. On average, those with bachelor's degrees make more money than those with associate degrees or trade school diplomas. Furthermore, bachelor's degrees are required to go on to graduate school or professional schools like law school, medical school, or dental school. Even though four-year colleges do have pre-professional majors and programs, the focus is more on acquiring academic knowledge. Socially, four-year colleges offer the most opportunities for students. There are varsity sports, intramural sports, campus clubs, fraternities, sororities, guest speakers, campus traditions, and a greater percentage of students who live on or near campus. Benefits of Attending a Trade School Over a Four-Year College Going to a vocational school does offer some undeniable benefits. The most obvious benefit of going to a trade school is that trade schools require less time to complete. Almost all trade school programs can be finished in less than two years. Meanwhile, getting a degree from a community college normally takes two years, and getting a traditional four-year college degree usually takes at least four years to complete, and many students need a fifth or sixth year to get their degrees. Less time in school allows you to get more job experience and progress faster in your career. Furthermore, if you're not in school, you won't have to pay for those additional years of college tuition and may have to take out fewer student loans. Another advantage of trade schools is the hands-on preparation you’ll receive for a specific job. Many four-year colleges and programs at four-year colleges focus more on scholarly learning than on job preparation. For example, if you graduate with a degree in philosophy or theater, you may have difficulty finding a job that’s directly related to your major. At a trade school, the focus is on learning the skills that you’ll be using in your job when you graduate. Similarly, because the goal at a vocational school is to acquire the skills for a certain job, it may be easier to initially find a job in that field. Also, many trade school programs are geared toward fields in which there is high demand for workers. Additionally, there are lucrative jobs you can get with a trade school degree. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median pay for dental hygienists was $74,070 in 2017. Meanwhile, the median starting salary for four-year college graduates was $50,516 for students from the class of 2016. Finally, if you go to a trade school, you don’t have to stress about the traditional college application process. Because the application requirements are much less strict at a trade school, if you decide to go to one, you won’t have to spend the time or money associated with four-year college applications. You won't have to take the SAT/ACT. You won’t have to stress about your grades. You won’t have to worry about joining clubs just to enhance your college applications. A trade school may be a good idea for you. Disadvantages of Attending a Trade School While vocational schools do offer some benefits, there are significant drawbacks, especially when compared to traditional 4-year colleges. Even though there are financial benefits to going to a trade school, college graduates, on average, make more money than trade school grads. According to College Scorecard, the salary after attending, which is the median income for students receiving federal financial aid 10 years after graduating, for American Career College in Los Angeles is $31,800. Comparatively, the salary after attending for UCLA is $60,700. Even after accounting for the additional time spent in school, the average UCLA graduate is going to come out well ahead financially in the long run. Also, four-year colleges tend to offer more generous financial aid. After financial aid, the average cost for West Coast University in Anaheim, California is $47,939. Meanwhile, the average cost for an in-state student at CSU Long Beach, a California State University, is $9,733. Furthermore, if you go to a vocational school, you’ll miss out on the traditional college experience. At trade schools, there’s no real on-campus culture, and there's limited social interaction. At a four-year college, you can join clubs, attend campus parties, go to sporting events, join Greek life, and live in dorms with your peers. For many people, the college experience gives them wonderful memories and helps them form long-lasting friendships. Much of the learning you do at a traditional college takes place outside of the classroom. You can attend lectures by famous politicians and prominent academics, and you're able to socially interact with students from all over the world. At a trade school, the focus is on the job preparation you receive inside the classroom, and that's basically the extent of your education. Additionally, traditional colleges offer a more broad, well-rounded education. Again, at a trade school, the education you receive is almost exclusively focused on preparing you for a specific job. At a traditional college, you’ll have general education requirements that will expose you to a variety of different subjects, and even in many majors, you’ll learn about a wide variety of topics. In college, I was an American Studies major, which is an interdisciplinary major that focuses on the United States. I was able to take classes in sociology, education, religion, history, psychology, and political science that counted towards my degree. Outside of my major, I was able to take classes in numerous subjects like human biology, anthropology, statistics, and Spanish. Traditional colleges pride themselves on not just preparing you for a specific job, but also teaching you critical thinking skills and making you an informed citizen who will be able to have a positive impact on society outside of your profession. Finally, there's more job flexibility with a traditional college degree. Trade schools prepare you for very specific jobs, but there are a wide variety of jobs you can get with a bachelor's degree, regardless of your major. If you study medical assisting at a trade school, your program will only prepare you to be a medical assistant. If you end up deciding that you want to do something else or can't find a job as a medical assistant, your vocational school degree won't be of much value. On the other hand, a degree from a four-year college offers you many more job opportunities. There are sales, education, and consulting jobs that are open to four-year college graduates from a wide variety of majors. Furthermore, you can pursue graduate school and professional schools like medical school and law school with a four-year college degree. On average, with more education and advanced degrees, you'll make more money and have more job security. Know about your options to make a wise decision. Should You Go to a Trade School or a Four-Year College? There are a few factors to consider when deciding whether to go to a trade school or a four-year college. Generally, I encourage all students who are capable to go to a four-year college. You’ll give yourself the most opportunities by graduating from a four-year school, and you’ll likely have a more fun, enriching experience at a traditional four-year college. Also, by going to a four-year school, you’ll have more earning potential and job flexibility. A trade school is a good option if you can’t spend the time to get a four-year degree or you’re very sure that you want to do a job that you can prepare for at a vocational school. Sometimes, family or financial situations make it too challenging for students to spend four years in school, so they opt to complete a much shorter program at a trade school. Also, some students just don't like traditional schooling. They struggle to do well in school because they detest reading and writing papers. They prefer doing something more active and don't want to spend at least four years in college to end up with a desk job. If you know you want to be an automotive technician, you may benefit more from completing a trade school program than going to a four-year college. You’ll get hands-on experience and be able to start your career in a short period of time. Keep in mind that if you don’t have the grades or test scores to go to a four-year college, you have options other than a vocational school. If you want to go to a four-year college, but you’re worried that you don’t have the qualifications to get admitted, check out the colleges with the highest acceptance rates. You still may be able to get in with sub-par grades and test scores. Also, you can go to a community college and then transfer to a four-year college. Most community colleges are open enrollment, so you don’t have to worry about being admitted. If you want to fix cars, maybe you should go to a trade school. How to Find the Right Vocational School for You Once you've decided to attend a trade school, your next step is deciding which school is best for you. There are three main steps to doing this: #1: Make Sure the Trade School Offers the Program You Want Nothing else about the school matters if it doesn't have the program you want, so this is your first step. If you're interested in a specific program/certificate, make sure the school offers exactly what you're looking for so there are no surprises once you graduate. You can also ask admissions counselors at the school which jobs the program will qualify you for. #2: Make Sure the Trade School Has a Good Reputation It's imperative the school you attend have a good reputation so people who hire you will have confidence in the program you completed. Your school might have specific accreditation which you should research, and you should also read online reviews and speak to current and former students to see if they would recommend the school and program. Unfortunately, there are many vocational schools that exist mostly as diploma mills and will take a lot of your money without giving you a good education in return. Doing your research early on will help you avoid this. #3: Make Sure You Can Manage the Costs and Schedule Finally, you also need to make sure you can afford tuition costs (or be able to take out the necessary financial aid), and that the times the classes are offered works with your schedule. The school should also be able to estimate how many hours a week you should be devoting to the program, and you should make sure you're able to manage that workload or look into part-time options. How to Apply to a Trade School For the majority of trade schools, the application process is relatively simple. Most schools have a basic online application on their websites, or you can contact the school for admissions information. Also, there tend to be no application deadlines. You can apply at any time, but you may need to wait for the beginning of your program of interest before you can enroll. Additionally, after you fill out the application, you may have to interview or speak with an admissions representative. These conversations are meant to be informational and help guide you to the program that would be best for you. Trade schools aren’t considered selective, and most are open enrollment. For the majority of schools and programs, you don’t have to take the SAT/ACT, and you don’t need to write an essay. Furthermore, trade schools won’t require recommendations or consider your extracurricular activities when determining admission. What's Next? Now that you're familiar with trade schools and the differences between trade schools and other types of colleges, there are a few articles you may want to check out. If you're considering going to a four-year college, learn more about the college application timeline and if it matters where you go to college. If you're interested in community colleges, find out how to apply. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Answer the question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Answer the question - Assignment Example Different previous studies have shown that coral snakes become increasingly rare as the elevation increases. Thus, it can be said that the increasing absence of coral snakes causes increasing attacks on replicas as predicted in 3b. Q.6. Evolutions suggests "survival of the fittest". This means that every species will try to evolve to a form that is best suited to survival, or it will become extinct. From my knowledge of evolution, I can understand why the pigmentation pattern of kingsnakes evolved to that of coral snakes. The reason is that as kingsnakes are non-venomous and palatable, they would have been extinct by now due to the ecology of predation. But they did not become extinct. This can be explained only by the fact that a certain population of the kingsnakes started replicating the pigmentation pattern of the venomous and non-palatable coral snakes, just through the primal instincts of evolution. Slowly as the rest of the pack started becoming extinct, the evolution took a faster pace. Also, it was continued in the shape of reproduction of the evolved species and continual changes to mimic the coral snakes in the best way possible. Here, it is not suggested that a certain group of kingsnakes evolved suddenly to the color pattern that is observable now; rather this took place in continual steps of natural selection through which small but gradually observable changes kept taking place, leaving behind the no-mimics stage and evolving slowly to a near perfect mimicry. It is a known fact that the pigmentation pattern on kingsnakes is not a perfect match of coral snakes, but who is to say that this will remain so? We might be present right now at a time when the evolution is still occurring, and a few centuries from now, the pigmentation pattern might evolve to perfect mimicry or take a new turn of its
Friday, November 1, 2019
A mere stream of unconnected representations could not be called Essay
A mere stream of unconnected representations could not be called knowledge. As Kant puts it These perceptions would not then - Essay Example Therefore, Immanuel Kant implied that all posteriori judgments are because experience alone cannot be used to comprehend the meaning of something. It only means some judgments but not all synthetic judgments can be said to be posteriori since geometrical and mathematical judgments cannot be based on experience. This is because, they could not have been known from senses or experience. Kant consents that it is right for rationalists to argue that we know what we know or about things in this world with reason or certainty while empiricists are also correct by stating that such knowledge attained by certainty cannot be limited to truths by definitions nor cannot it be offered by experience. Instead, Kant argues that we know and understand about the world as we experience it in accordance with the unchanging and universally shared frame of mind. We reason or think about the world in terms of space, categories (like cause and effect), time, possibility, reality, and substance. That is to say that whatever people think or reason, they ought to think about it in certain manner (For instance, as having existing or not existing), not because that is the manner in which the world is, but instead that is the way that our brain or mind command experience. (Dicker, 2004). In sum, Kant argued that we cannot claim to have knowledge without sensation but sense alone cannot offer knowledge either. People cannot clam to know things about the world not because we go outside our mind to compare and contrast what we experience with reality outside it but instead, the world we know is already structured and organized according to certain innate pattern that is the human brain or mind. Knowledge is possible due to the fact that it is about how things appear to us in this world and not about how things are made. Therefore, reason offers us the form or structure of what we know while the senses on the other hand, offer the content or information. Kant arguments were that we can claim t o know about things we experience and structure in terms of mind’s form. For instance, soul or God and metaphysics cannot be claimed to known because we have not experienced them. In addition, Kant’s philosophies on theory of knowledge were that we would not be in a position to know if our concepts about the world are real or true. Further, it implies that we have to redefine what is true as that which we experience instead of that which senses or experience presents (Ameriks, 2003). In simple terms, Kant meant that human beings are limited to things as they appear thus either we will never at one particular point know if our concepts are real or true or if we ought to redefine what truth means. Kant argued that space and time are pure intuitions of human senses while ideas of physics such as inertia and causations are pure intuitions of human understanding. According to Kant, sensory experience is meaningful because the faculty of human sensibility evaluates and analy zes it thus organizing it in a coherent manner of space and time. These intuitions are the where human beings obtain mathematical knowledge (Gardner, 1999). Events that occur in time and space would have no meaning if it were not for human comprehension that asses and organizes perceptions and experiences according to notions such as causation which make the tenets of natural science. If space and time are the activities of the mind, then people might wonder what is
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Concepts Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Concepts - Research Paper Example Non- verbal communication is beneficial in international business settings. It makes communication brief and effective. Finally, it exemplifies the level of professionalism thereby increasing the level of confidence. On the downside it cannot be used as a public instrument for communication, prevents detailed conversation and not as of much influence as verbal communication. Persuasive communication is more personal, more detailed and effective in sharing information (Fontane et al., 2013). Conversely, it is time consuming, involves emotion which is inappropriate for business and requires a high level of negotiation skills. Collaboration improves the receipt of feedback in an organization and ensures participatory decision making. In opposition, collaborative communication delays the decision making in the organization and is ineffective where a huge number of employees are involved. Non- verbal communication is used in international communication and in business talks with potential clients to increase business opportunities by showing confidence and professionalism (Guffey, 2012). Persuasion communication is used in convincing customers and potential clients to undertake a certain business deal. In summary, collaboration is used in day to day operation of the business in decision making. Fontaine, M., Parise, S., & Miller, D. (2013, June 13). Collaborative environments: A dynamic tool for transforming business processes. Retrieved from
Monday, October 28, 2019
The supernatural aspects of Macbeth Essay Example for Free
The supernatural aspects of Macbeth Essay In my essay I am going to be writing about the Supernatural aspects of Macbeth. I will be referring closely to Act 1 Scene 3, Act 1 Scene 5 and Act 4 Scene 1. In Shakespeares day people were obsessed with witchcraft. Shakespeare added supernatural elements to the play to grab the audiences attention right from the beginning. This includes opening (Act 1 Scene 1) Macbeth with three witches, with immediately establishes the influence of the supernatural. They are discussing where they will meet Macbeth to tell him his future. In Act 1 Scene 3, the three witches are talking about the death of a sea captain, whilst waiting for Macbeth. Macbeth arrives with Banquo, and each of the three witches has something different to tell Macbeth. The first witch says All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Glamis! , the second witch says All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor! , and the third witch says All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be King hereafter! Macbeth is very confused and begins to question what the witches had said to him. Then, the three witches disappear. This would have caused a gasp in the audience in Shakespeares day because of the Supernatural phenomena. This basically means that the witches can tell the future, and this scares the audience. In Act 1 Scene 5, Lady Macbeth receives a letter from Macbeth, telling her of the witches predictions. She is a very ambitious woman and will make sure that the prediction will be fulfilled. When she hears that King Duncan is on the way to the castle, she calls upon the evil spirits to help her carry out the murder of King Duncan. She says; Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here and fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty! Make thick my blood; stop up the access and passage to remorse, when she says unsex me here, she is asking the spirits to take away her femininity because she wants to have the strength of a man. She also says Stop up the access and passage to remorse which means she is asking the spirits to take away the emotion guilt so that she cannot feel bad about what she has done or have doubts. A Shakespearean audience would find this part of the play very shocking because this was probably the part of The Supernatural that they knew least about. In Act 4, Scene 1 the witches are preparing a cauldron whilst waiting for the arrival of Macbeth. Hecate (The head witch) comes to make sure that all is ready whilst the other witches seal the charm/spell. Macbeth then arrives commanding the witches to tell him what he wants to know. If you asked people in the modern day what a common thing for a witch to say is, they would most probably say Double, double toil and trouble. Shakespeare added this to the play because he knew that it would leave an effect on the audience. The witches show Macbeth four apparitions. The first apparition is a Helmeted Head, which warns Macbeth to be cautious of Macduff. The Second apparition is a child covered in blood, which tells Macbeth that no man born from woman can harm him. The third apparition is a child crowned with a tree in his hand; this tells Macbeth that he is safe until Birnham Wood moves to Dunsinane. The fourth and last apparition, is a show of eight kings, the last with a glass in his hand; Banquo following. This shows Macbeth that Banquos descendants will be crowned king. This means that the witches were right because it comes true at the end of the play. On a modern stage, Macbeth would be shown with a lot of electrical sound effects, lighting, smoke machine ECT. But in the Shakespearean day, there wasnt anything like that so people would have to create their own sound effects, and have to wait until a certain time of day to set the scene. In conclusion, there are many supernatural aspects to Macbeth. This leaves the audience is left confused whether the Supernatural is real or not and have to make up their own minds. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Miscellaneous section.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Gunsmoke and the Old-West Lawman :: Television Media TV Essays
Gunsmoke and the Old-West Lawman The classic radio show "Gunsmoke," was the epitome of old west drama. Set in the frontier town of Dodge City during the 1870's and 80's, Gunsmoke followed U.S. Marshall Matt Dillon through his many adventures. Matt Dillon was the embodiment of the stereotypical lawman of the old west. He is set apart as an old west hero by his independence, self-reliance, and sense of justice. Matt Dillon works as an independent law-man. In our modern times we are used to policemen who work interdependently of a greater police force. In the old west however, the independent enforcer prevailed. As you listen to the episodes of Gunsmoke, you realize how much Dillon typifies the persona of a lone hero. With the only assistance coming from his deputy Chester, Dillon acts as the lone voice of law and reason. This independent attitude makes Dillon be self-reliant. When it comes to dealing with outlaws, he relies on his own intuition and expertise to solve the situation. In one instance, Dillon is trying to find an outlaw, but when he finds him he realizes that he has actually "gone straight." He finds this by talking to him and seeing his new character. Just like in this situation, being an independent law-man requires him to rely on his senses and abilities to take care of any situation that might arise. What really sets Dillon apart as a great old-west hero is his keen sense of justice. Even when his own life is on the line, Dillon never wavers from his responsibilities of justice. One day somebody comes into town looking to kill for the person who killed his father. It turns out that it was Dillon who killed him. Instead of trying to protect himself however, he does everything he can to simply talk to him and make him see the reason that his father died. Moreover, he correctly identifies the real criminal. Through his own investigative judgment, he deals with a situation that could otherwise prove to be dreadful and appalling. The typical lawman is personified in the character of Matt Dillon. The old-west lawman might not have necessarily been as respectable as Dillon, but the old-west stories have been mythologized to create this typical character. In essence, Dillon stands for the virtuous elements of the old-west, and carries them out in his daily life.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Research on Behaviorist versus Cognitive Theories of Learning
What is larning? Are at that place different types of larning? What affects a pupils larning? Why do some learn otherwise than others? These are merely a few of the inquiries that pedagogues, parents, and pupils themselves have posed for centuries. It is without a uncertainty a really complicated subject. The writer of this paper attempts to relieve some of these inquiries by turn toing the differences between behavioural and societal acquisition theory along with the necessity of utilizing cognitive schemes to help in the acquisition procedure.Name of TheoristName of TheoryMain ConceptsResearch ConductedIvan Pavlov Authoritative conditioning Impersonal stimulations + innate stimulations = a erudite conditioned response ( Slavin, 2009 ) How it may look in a schoolroom: pupils should be given many chances to get the hang a undertaking before traveling on to another undertaking. For illustration, if they are larning to multiply individual digit math jobs, a pupil must get the hang this before traveling on to generation of two-digit jobs. Research was conducted in 3 phases Phase one: An innate stimulation ( US ) ( nutrient ) solicited an innate response ( UR ) from the Canis familiaris ( salivation ) ( Slavin, 2009 ) . This phase farther showed that a impersonal stimulation ( NS ) ( bell ) would arouse no response from the Canis familiaris. ( Slavin, 2009 ) Phase 2: A learned stimulation ( CS ) ( bell ) was paired with the Canis familiaris nutrient ( US ) which caused the Canis familiariss to salivate ( UR ) ( Slavin, 2009 ) . Phase 3: The Canis familiaris was trained to salivate ( CR, conditioned response ) at the sound of a bell tintinnabulation ( CS ) ( Slavin, 2009 ) . E. L. Thorndike Law of Effectss Favorable effects to behavior elicit request of this behaviour ( Slavin, 2005 ) Unfavorable effects similarly will ensue in the behaviour less likely being repeated ( Slavin, 2005 ) How it may look in a schoolroom: instructors should utilize real-life experiences to learn and link constructs for pupils. For illustration, life accomplishments pupils will larn the importance of money buy really take parting in buying things from peddling machines and shops. This can besides use to science constructs. Students can break connect with it through experiential activities ( Slavin, 2005 ) . Cats were placed in mystifier boxes ; on accident the cats learned how to get away ( Slavin, 2005 ) . After repeatedly acquiring out they learned that if they went through the mystifier boxes, they gained freedom ( Slavin, 2005 ) . B. F. Skinner Operant Conditioning Support of behavior = frequent repeat of this behaviour ( Slavin, 2009 ) Unrewarded ( punished ) behaviour = lessening in repeat of the behaviour ( Slavin, 2009 ) . How it may look in a schoolroom: pupils that are on clip to category receive category vaulting horses ; belated pupils do non. I have found that those pupils that receive the category bucks that they can pass on things like free clip, prep buyouts, and public toilet base on ballss, strive to gain more vaulting horses. Skinner boxes used to develop animate beings. The boxes consisted of a saloon that the animate beings had to press to distribute nutrient ( Slavin, 2009 ) . What are the differences between the behavioural acquisition theory and that of the societal acquisition theory? Which theory offers the best penetration into how underdeveloped kids larn? To find replies to these inquiries, the factors of behavioural larning theories must be weighed against those of societal larning theories. Behavior acquisition theories are centered on the thought that larning takes topographic point because of legion chances to see a peculiar event. This event is believed to for good alter the said behaviour. Behavioral theories fall under one of two classs: classical or answering conditioning and operant conditioning. The classical/respondent conditioning theory, as demonstrated and made celebrated by Pavlov ‘s experiment, believes the behaviours that we exhibit are one ‘s that are learned by tie ining one thing to another ( Cherry, 2005b ) . This thought of automatic conditioning was happened upon by Pavlov as he studied Canis familiaris ‘s digestion ( Cherry, 2005b ) . . Within his survey of how much a Canis familiaris salivated at the sight of assorted things, nutrient and non-food points, Pavlov and his helper noted the sum of spit that was produced ( Cherry, 2005b ) . . In making so they found that Canis familiariss automatically or reflexively responded to the point placed in forepart of them, nutrient or non-food, after being presented with them intermediately for some clip ( Cherry, 2005b ) . This response he believed was based on conditioning or automaticity, which made it strictly physiological ( Cherry, 2005b ) . . His thought of conditioning was extended to human cond itioning by James B. Watson ( Cherry, 2005b ) . . Watson and his associate Rosalie Rayner wanted to prove the theory of classical conditioning on worlds in respects to phobias, to see if they would arouse similar consequences. Watson ‘s experiment was based on a small male child name Albert ( Beck, 2001 ) . When Watson and Rayner, foremost met Albert he was non afraid of a white rat, after a short clip with them he was afraid of mice and other furred points ( Beck, 2001 ) . The experiment introduced a loud noise that startled the immature male child as he played with the rat. This sound scared the immature male child so much that he started to shout and later exhibit fright when he saw a rat or anything furred. This proved for them that Pavlov ‘s thought that an innate stimulation would do an innate response and eventually that this innate response paired with a learned stimulation would arouse a learned response, or a automatic action ( Beck, 2001 ) . They believed this made the Pavlovian theory of conditioning plausibl e and accurate for worlds every bit good. The operant conditioning theory of B.F. Skinner focuses on larning based on the behaviour and the effects of the behaviour. Skinner ‘s beliefs were greatly influenced by E. L. Thorndike ‘s thought of Law of Effect. The Law of Effect, besides a conditioning theory, was based on the premiss that if an innate stimulation ‘s response is paired with a pleasant event than the response is stronger and more likely to be repeated. Likewise if the stimulation consequence is paired with a negative event, so the event is weaker and less likely to be repeated. Skinner found this a utile tool in understanding automatic behaviours that occurred and further strengthened his thought that behaviour was strengthened by a reinforcing stimulus or weakened by a punisher ( Cherry, 2005a ) . Reinforcing stimuluss are either positive or negative. Positive reinforcing stimuluss occur after said behaviour and are positive results for the behaviour ; whereas negative reinforcing stimuluss are negative results as the consequence of a behaviour ( Cherry, 2005a ) . Whether negative or positive the behaviour will increase. Punishers whether negative or positive will diminish a behaviour ( Cherry, 2005a ) . Positive punishers employ utilizing an unfavourable event to diminish behaviour ; negative punishers happens when the event is taken off in order to weaken the behaviour that has occurred ( Cherry, 2005a ) . Social larning theories contrary to behavioural theories focuses on larning that takes topographic point due to the observation and mold of behaviours, attitudes, and emotions exhibit by others around them. Albert Bandura, considered one of the governments within this theory, believed that behavioural acquisition could non explicate all the types of acquisition ( Cherry, 2005c ) .He said, â€Å" Learning would be extremely arduous, non to advert risky, if people had to trust entirely on the effects of their ain actions to inform them what to make ( Cherry, 2005c ) . †. He farther argued that larning had to hold some societal component to it to be successful. He stated that, â€Å" Fortunately, most human behaviour is learned observationally through mold: from detecting others one forms an thought of how new behaviours are performed, and subsequently occasions this coded information serves as a usher for action ( Cherry, 2005c ) . †The ideals of Bandura and other socie tal theoreticians are broken down into three basic constructs that explain the assorted types of behaviour: experimental acquisition, patterning procedure, and intrinsic support ( Cherry, 2005c ) . Observational acquisition provinces that larning takes topographic point through observation ( Cherry, 2005c ) .The writer ‘s three-year-old nephew learns much of his idiosyncrasy and behaviours by watching his household around the house and others at church. He has learned to work on a computing machine by watching her bash her work hebdomadally, to the point of copying precisely how she holds her custodies when typing and the tapping of her fingers at her desk when she is in deep concentration. This thought of experimental acquisition is so strong harmonizing to theoreticians that it can be achieved through unrecorded observation, verbally through direction, or symbolic ( displayed through another media ) means. Intrinsic Reinforcement goes against the ideal that behaviour is reinforced by extrinsic support merely ( Cherry, 2005c ) .Social theoreticians believed that a great trade of behaviour and acquisition will be based on intrinsic factors, which give the scholar a sense of pride and achievement. Bandura believes this is one of the most of import factors that separates the societal acquisition theory from behavioural theories and makes it more of a cognitive societal attack ( Cherry, 2005c ) . The Modeling Process hinges on the individual that is making the mold of a said behaviour and the perceiver and must follow certain stairss. First, in order for a individual to larn they must pay attending to the theoretical account otherwise there will be negative branchings. Therefore the mold must be memorable and keep the attending of the perceiver. Following, the perceiver must hold the ability to retain the information that is observed. Third, one must be able to draw the information from their memory in order to pattern the accomplishment further. Last, the scholar must be motivated plenty to utilize the behaviour they saw modeled ( Cherry, 2005c ) .This measure theoretical accounts show some similarities to behavior thoeries in that the usage of reinforcing stimuluss and punishers are cruicial to actuating the scholar. For illustration, if a pupils observes another pupil having category vaulting horses for engagement they are more likely to take part every bit good ( Cherry, 2005c ) . Social theories and behavioural theories are similar yet different. Both of the theories believe that larning and behaviour are connected yet each feel otherwise about whether the acquisition that each elicit is lasting. Social theories disagree that all larning leads to a alteration in behaviour, in fact they believe that new things can be learned without organizing new behaviours ( Cherry, 2005c ) .BeforeDuringAfterPicture walks – Students are guided by their instructors through a digest of images that illustrate the narrative line. This allows them to link to the text as they read. Predicting Students predict what they believe will go on in the narrative and read to prove the factuality of the anticipation ( Harvey & A ; Goudvis, 2000 ) . Synthesize Students take the new information that they have learned and unite it with their anterior cognition to come up with a new thought or new believing about the topic ( Harvey & A ; Goudvis, 2000 ) . KWL charts It allows they information to be organized earlier, during, and after reading Making Inferences Students are able to utilize their anterior cognition to believe outside the box and draw decisions about the text for deeper significance ( Harvey & A ; Goudvis, 2000 ) . Making Connections Students draw upon their ain scheme to understand the text they are reading ( Harvey & A ; Goudvis, 2000 ) . Text-to-self allows the reader to link to their ain lives and experiences to pull significance Text-to-text allows the reader to name upon their cognition from other text to demo apprehension of content Text-to-world allows the reader to do a connexion with more planetary and bigger issues within the text and the existent universe Overviewing This scheme allows pupils to plane or scan the text when they are looking for specific information and are unsure if the text contains it ( Harvey, 1998 ) . Imaging Allows pupils to better understand the text or job solve by organizing a image in their heads. Students are able to understand more of the text as they go along with the support of their instructor ( Chamot & A ; O'Malley, 1994 ) . Alternate stoping Students prove that they have comprehended the assorted parts of the narrative by composing an surrogate stoping which fits in with the remainder of the narrative nicely ( Harvey & A ; Goudvis, 2000 ) . Brainstorming This scheme is a relevantly merely one in that it allows pupils to compose down, name out or categorise the things that they know about a peculiar construct or thought. The procedure allows all pupils of all degrees procedure clip to develop these thoughts. Questioning Readers are able to travel through the text and interact with it more as they search for replies to their inquiries ( Harvey & A ; Goudvis, 2000 ) . Allows pupils to supervise their comprehension and concept significance ( Harvey & A ; Goudvis, 2000 ) . Sum uping Learning is a complex procedure by that requires much of the scholar. All of the scholars ‘ behaviours, attitudes, cognition and gained information factor into whether true acquisition has taken topographic point. The survey of knowledge purposes to assist us understand how learning takes topographic point and the assorted procedures that we go through to accomplish it. Students may non understand the how and why of knowledge, so it is the instructor ‘s occupation to learn them schemes to do certain that they have good cognitive accomplishments or accomplishments for believing about larning. The chart above has outlined the assorted schemes that pupils can utilize before, during, and after reading to beef up comprehension, but how does this cognitive schemes in general aid pupils larn? In order for schemes to work for pupils they must be cognizant of why they need to believe about the thought that takes topographic point as they learn ( as cited in Purdue, n.d. , ch.7 ) . Simply put, it is the manner that they can take ownership of their ain acquisition and it is what makes them good and great scholars. Garner farther establishes that puting intents for acquisition, work outing jobs, self-acting, monitoring, and self-assessment of their acquisition are all ways in which pupils can demo that they have good cognitive accomplishments ( as cited in Purdue, n.d. , ch.7 ) .. The above schemes are merely some of the ways that Garner says that pupils are able to form, survey, reappraisal, pattern, and eventually master assorted accomplishments ( as cited in Purdue, n.d. , ch.7 ) . Teachers must demo them how to utilize these schemes to their advantage to larn. There are some things that pedagogues can make to assist them pupils develop these cognitive accomplishments, ther efore assisting them go independent minds and scholars. Garner believes that the first thing that they can make is to learn pupils to supervise their thought efficaciously ( as cited in Purdue, n.d. , ch.7 ) . This can be done through demoing them how to analyse the procedure of believing as they work. They teach them to inquiries themselves on ways that they can better upon their thought as they try to carry through their end or whether or non they need help to carry through these ends. Harmonizing to Garner, pupils must cognize when they are larning and when they are non larning ( as cited in Purdue, n.d. ) . Furthermore, Garner says that when they realize that they are non larning they should be able to take another cognitive scheme to assist them accomplish their end ( as cited in Purdue, n.d. , ch.7 ) . Second, Garner believes pupils need to be taught to utilize more sophisticated schemes to demo that they are believing ( as cited in Purdue, n.d. , ch.7 ) . Teachers should non accept the merely reciting of the text, they should necessitate that pupil synthesise the information and are able to offer legitimate sum-ups of the stuff ( Purdue, n.d. ) . Third, instructors must learn pupils the appropriate schemes to utilize with the assorted texts and content ( Purdue, n.d. ) . This is pertinent since it sets the phase for pupil acquisition. Think of it like constructing a house, if there is no foundation the house will non stand ; with a solid foundation the house could fire done, but the base from which to get down over is still at that place. Students might necessitate to reassess the schemes that they choose, but they can get down over if they have the foundational cognition of the schemes ( Purdue, n.d. ) . Fourthly, pupils must be taught to put personal ends for their acquisition. When pupils set their ain ends they are more likely to transport through with the schemes to see the success with them. Borkowski, Carr, and Pressley say â€Å" pupils with low self-prides who attribute success and failure to something other than attempt are improbable to originate or prevail in the usage of cognitive schemes †( cited in Purdue, n.d. , ch.7 ) . If they do so, they fall into non utilizing their metacognitive accomplishments to grok the constructs ( Purdue, n.d. ) . Last, when instructors model for pupils how to utilize cognitive schemes they are assisting them develop higher order believing accomplishments. When they are taught to prosecute in higher order thought, they are taught how to place how they learn, think about textual jobs as they learn about them, figure out how to work out them, and eventually synthesise all the information at the terminal of the text.
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