Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Solutions for the Social Problem of Poverty in the United...
Poverty is a common social issue that has troubled the United States for a countless number of years. Poverty is considered deprivation. It is when we are deprived of the things we need to function properly in society. Education, food and shelter are things that individuals struggling through poverty lack. Poverty is subjective because anyone can differ on the level of deprivation we suffer that describes the state of poverty. Some people even want to include the ability to go on foreign holidays as people are deprived of something the majority up till quite recently could do. Unsurprisingly, it still widely exists and has been a consistent problem. No matter what the overall prosperity level is, there will always be millions of†¦show more content†¦Absolute necessities are anything ranging from the essentials, such as heat and shelter. An example of relative poverty would be taking a random group of people off the street to classify their wealth; otherwise, basing judgment off on something as simple as shoes. Another example could be the poverty you may find in another country. People who live in poor accommodation, cannot afford luxuries, struggling to make ends meet, are said to suffer from relative poverty. Several issues in the world including illness and thirst are causes to poverty. Many times people underestimate the word poor. However, poor is more than just seemingly not having money. One literally has no food or water to eat nor drink and live homeless on the streets begging for money and supplies. Furthermore, the effects of poverty are most often interrelated so another follows that one problem. An example of this would be bad sanitation, which makes it easier to spread around diseases but lack of supplies make people more vulnerable to them. Other things such as lack of education, and abuse are all consequences of poverty to individuals. According to Howard Glennerster in United States Poverty Studies and Poverty Measurement: The Past Twenty-Five Years, poverty has been a steady condition in United States history. Not only that, but today there is even more discussion focused on the â€Å"culture and race ofShow MoreRelatedSelling in the Barrio: The Culture of Poverty Essay1165 Words  | 5 PagesMultiple studies have been completed to show that people from all racial groups and ethnicities are negatively affected by poverty. Those in the lowest social class, while a mix of ethnicities, are predominantly minorities and affected the most. What stood out about Philippe Bourgeois’ is that he not only studies the people and their culture but he lived it with them. Mr. Bourgois spent two years with his wife and child living with the Puerto Rican’s in East Harlem, NY. 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